This is the complete list of members for BLOB_CHOICE, including all inherited members.
BLOB_CHOICE(UNICHAR_ID src_unichar_id, float src_rating, float src_cert, int script_id, float min_xheight, float max_xheight, float yshift, BlobChoiceClassifier c) | BLOB_CHOICE | |
certainty() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
classifier() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
deep_copy(const BLOB_CHOICE *src) | BLOB_CHOICE | inlinestatic |
ELIST_LINK() | ELIST_LINK | inline |
ELIST_LINK(const ELIST_LINK &) | ELIST_LINK | inline |
fontinfo_id() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
fontinfo_id2() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
fonts() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
IsAdapted() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
IsClassified() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
matrix_cell() | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
max_xheight() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
min_xheight() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
operator=(const ELIST_LINK &) | ELIST_LINK | inline |
PosAndSizeAgree(const BLOB_CHOICE &other, float x_height, bool debug) const | BLOB_CHOICE | |
print(const UNICHARSET *unicharset) const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
print_full() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
rating() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
script_id() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
set_certainty(float newrat) | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
set_classifier(BlobChoiceClassifier classifier) | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
set_fonts(const GenericVector< tesseract::ScoredFont > &fonts) | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
set_matrix_cell(int col, int row) | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
set_rating(float newrat) | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
set_script(int newscript_id) | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
set_unichar_id(UNICHAR_ID newunichar_id) | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
set_xgap_after(inT16 gap) | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
set_xgap_before(inT16 gap) | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
SortByRating(const void *p1, const void *p2) | BLOB_CHOICE | inlinestatic |
unichar_id() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
xgap_after() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
xgap_before() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |
yshift() const | BLOB_CHOICE | inline |