This is the complete list of members for IntegerMatcher, including all inherited members.
ApplyCNCorrection(float rating, int blob_length, int normalization_factor, int matcher_multiplier) | IntegerMatcher | |
FindBadFeatures(INT_CLASS ClassTemplate, BIT_VECTOR ProtoMask, BIT_VECTOR ConfigMask, uinT16 BlobLength, inT16 NumFeatures, INT_FEATURE_ARRAY Features, FEATURE_ID *FeatureArray, int AdaptFeatureThreshold, int Debug) | IntegerMatcher | |
FindGoodProtos(INT_CLASS ClassTemplate, BIT_VECTOR ProtoMask, BIT_VECTOR ConfigMask, uinT16 BlobLength, inT16 NumFeatures, INT_FEATURE_ARRAY Features, PROTO_ID *ProtoArray, int AdaptProtoThreshold, int Debug) | IntegerMatcher | |
Init(tesseract::IntParam *classify_debug_level) | IntegerMatcher | |
IntegerMatcher() | IntegerMatcher | inline |
kEvidenceTableBits | IntegerMatcher | static |
kIntEvidenceTruncBits | IntegerMatcher | static |
kIntThetaFudge | IntegerMatcher | static |
kSEExponentialMultiplier | IntegerMatcher | static |
kSimilarityCenter | IntegerMatcher | static |
Match(INT_CLASS ClassTemplate, BIT_VECTOR ProtoMask, BIT_VECTOR ConfigMask, inT16 NumFeatures, const INT_FEATURE_STRUCT *Features, tesseract::UnicharRating *Result, int AdaptFeatureThreshold, int Debug, bool SeparateDebugWindows) | IntegerMatcher |