This is the complete list of members for tesseract::CubeUtils, including all inherited members.
CharSampleFromPix(Pix *pix, int left, int top, int wid, int hgt) | tesseract::CubeUtils | static |
Cost2Prob(int cost) | tesseract::CubeUtils | static |
CubeUtils() | tesseract::CubeUtils | |
IsCaseInvariant(const char_32 *str32, CharSet *char_set) | tesseract::CubeUtils | static |
PixFromCharSample(CharSamp *char_samp) | tesseract::CubeUtils | static |
Prob2Cost(double prob_val) | tesseract::CubeUtils | static |
ReadFileToString(const string &file_name, string *str) | tesseract::CubeUtils | static |
SplitStringUsing(const string &str, const string &delims, vector< string > *str_vec) | tesseract::CubeUtils | static |
StrCmp(const char_32 *str1, const char_32 *str2) | tesseract::CubeUtils | static |
StrDup(const char_32 *str) | tesseract::CubeUtils | static |
StrLen(const char_32 *str) | tesseract::CubeUtils | static |
ToLower(const char_32 *str32, CharSet *char_set) | tesseract::CubeUtils | static |
ToUpper(const char_32 *str32, CharSet *char_set) | tesseract::CubeUtils | static |
UTF32ToUTF8(const char_32 *utf32_str, string *str) | tesseract::CubeUtils | static |
UTF8ToUTF32(const char *utf8_str, string_32 *str32) | tesseract::CubeUtils | static |
~CubeUtils() | tesseract::CubeUtils |