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cntraining.cpp File Reference
#include "oldlist.h"
#include "efio.h"
#include "emalloc.h"
#include "featdefs.h"
#include "tessopt.h"
#include "ocrfeatures.h"
#include "clusttool.h"
#include "cluster.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "unichar.h"
#include "commontraining.h"

Go to the source code of this file.




int main (int argc, char **argv)
void WriteNormProtos (const char *Directory, LIST LabeledProtoList, CLUSTERER *Clusterer)
void WriteProtos (FILE *File, uinT16 N, LIST ProtoList, BOOL8 WriteSigProtos, BOOL8 WriteInsigProtos)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])



Macro Definition Documentation


Definition at line 41 of file cntraining.cpp.

Function Documentation

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

This program reads in a text file consisting of feature samples from a training page in the following format:

   FontName UTF8-char-str xmin ymin xmax ymax page-number
      FeatureTypeName1 NumberOfFeatures(M)
      FeatureTypeName2 NumberOfFeatures(M)
      FeatureTypeNameN NumberOfFeatures(M)
   FontName CharName ...

The result of this program is a binary inttemp file used by the OCR engine.

argcnumber of command line arguments
argvarray of command line arguments
Exceptions: none
History: Fri Aug 18 08:56:17 1989, DSJ, Created.
History: Mon May 18 1998, Christy Russson, Revistion started.

Definition at line 41 of file tesseractmain.cpp.

41  {
42  if ((argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) ||
43  (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0)) {
44  char *versionStrP;
46  fprintf(stderr, "tesseract %s\n", tesseract::TessBaseAPI::Version());
48  versionStrP = getLeptonicaVersion();
49  fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", versionStrP);
50  lept_free(versionStrP);
52  versionStrP = getImagelibVersions();
53  fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", versionStrP);
54  lept_free(versionStrP);
56 #ifdef USE_OPENCL
57  cl_platform_id platform;
58  cl_uint num_platforms;
59  cl_device_id devices[2];
60  cl_uint num_devices;
61  char info[256];
62  int i;
64  fprintf(stderr, " OpenCL info:\n");
65  clGetPlatformIDs(1, &platform, &num_platforms);
66  fprintf(stderr, " Found %d platforms.\n", num_platforms);
67  clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, 256, info, 0);
68  fprintf(stderr, " Platform name: %s.\n", info);
69  clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL_PLATFORM_VERSION, 256, info, 0);
70  fprintf(stderr, " Version: %s.\n", info);
71  clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 2, devices, &num_devices);
72  fprintf(stderr, " Found %d devices.\n", num_devices);
73  for (i = 0; i < num_devices; ++i) {
74  clGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], CL_DEVICE_NAME, 256, info, 0);
75  fprintf(stderr, " Device %d name: %s.\n", i+1, info);
76  }
77 #endif
78  exit(0);
79  }
81  // Make the order of args a bit more forgiving than it used to be.
82  const char* lang = "eng";
83  const char* image = NULL;
84  const char* outputbase = NULL;
85  const char* datapath = NULL;
86  bool noocr = false;
87  bool list_langs = false;
88  bool print_parameters = false;
89  GenericVector<STRING> vars_vec, vars_values;
92  int arg = 1;
93  while (arg < argc && (outputbase == NULL || argv[arg][0] == '-')) {
94  if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-l") == 0 && arg + 1 < argc) {
95  lang = argv[arg + 1];
96  ++arg;
97  } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "--tessdata-dir") == 0 && arg + 1 < argc) {
98  datapath = argv[arg + 1];
99  ++arg;
100  } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "--user-words") == 0 && arg + 1 < argc) {
101  vars_vec.push_back("user_words_file");
102  vars_values.push_back(argv[arg + 1]);
103  ++arg;
104  } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "--user-patterns") == 0 && arg + 1 < argc) {
105  vars_vec.push_back("user_patterns_file");
106  vars_values.push_back(argv[arg + 1]);
107  ++arg;
108  } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "--list-langs") == 0) {
109  noocr = true;
110  list_langs = true;
111  } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-psm") == 0 && arg + 1 < argc) {
112  pagesegmode = static_cast<tesseract::PageSegMode>(atoi(argv[arg + 1]));
113  ++arg;
114  } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "--print-parameters") == 0) {
115  noocr = true;
116  print_parameters = true;
117  } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-c") == 0 && arg + 1 < argc) {
118  // handled properly after api init
119  ++arg;
120  } else if (image == NULL) {
121  image = argv[arg];
122  } else if (outputbase == NULL) {
123  outputbase = argv[arg];
124  }
125  ++arg;
126  }
128  if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--list-langs") == 0) {
129  list_langs = true;
130  noocr = true;
131  }
133  if (outputbase == NULL && noocr == false) {
134  fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n %s imagename|stdin outputbase|stdout "
135  "[options...] [configfile...]\n\n", argv[0]);
137  fprintf(stderr, "OCR options:\n");
138  fprintf(stderr, " --tessdata-dir /path\tspecify the location of tessdata"
139  " path\n");
140  fprintf(stderr, " --user-words /path/to/file\tspecify the location of user"
141  " words file\n");
142  fprintf(stderr, " --user-patterns /path/to/file\tspecify the location of"
143  " user patterns file\n");
144  fprintf(stderr, " -l lang[+lang]\tspecify language(s) used for OCR\n");
145  fprintf(stderr, " -c configvar=value\tset value for control parameter.\n"
146  "\t\t\tMultiple -c arguments are allowed.\n");
147  fprintf(stderr, " -psm pagesegmode\tspecify page segmentation mode.\n");
148  fprintf(stderr, "These options must occur before any configfile.\n\n");
149  fprintf(stderr,
150  "pagesegmode values are:\n"
151  " 0 = Orientation and script detection (OSD) only.\n"
152  " 1 = Automatic page segmentation with OSD.\n"
153  " 2 = Automatic page segmentation, but no OSD, or OCR\n"
154  " 3 = Fully automatic page segmentation, but no OSD. (Default)\n"
155  " 4 = Assume a single column of text of variable sizes.\n"
156  " 5 = Assume a single uniform block of vertically aligned text.\n"
157  " 6 = Assume a single uniform block of text.\n"
158  " 7 = Treat the image as a single text line.\n"
159  " 8 = Treat the image as a single word.\n"
160  " 9 = Treat the image as a single word in a circle.\n"
161  " 10 = Treat the image as a single character.\n\n");
162  fprintf(stderr, "Single options:\n");
163  fprintf(stderr, " -v --version: version info\n");
164  fprintf(stderr, " --list-langs: list available languages for tesseract "
165  "engine. Can be used with --tessdata-dir.\n");
166  fprintf(stderr, " --print-parameters: print tesseract parameters to the "
167  "stdout.\n");
168  exit(1);
169  }
171  if (outputbase != NULL && strcmp(outputbase, "-") &&
172  strcmp(outputbase, "stdout")) {
173  tprintf("Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v%s with Leptonica\n",
175  }
176  PERF_COUNT_START("Tesseract:main")
179  api.SetOutputName(outputbase);
180  int rc = api.Init(datapath, lang, tesseract::OEM_DEFAULT,
181  &(argv[arg]), argc - arg, &vars_vec, &vars_values, false);
183  if (rc) {
184  fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize tesseract.\n");
185  exit(1);
186  }
188  char opt1[255], opt2[255];
189  for (arg = 0; arg < argc; arg++) {
190  if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-c") == 0 && arg + 1 < argc) {
191  strncpy(opt1, argv[arg + 1], 255);
192  char *p = strchr(opt1, '=');
193  if (!p) {
194  fprintf(stderr, "Missing = in configvar assignment\n");
195  exit(1);
196  }
197  *p = 0;
198  strncpy(opt2, strchr(argv[arg + 1], '=') + 1, 255);
199  opt2[254] = 0;
200  ++arg;
202  if (!api.SetVariable(opt1, opt2)) {
203  fprintf(stderr, "Could not set option: %s=%s\n", opt1, opt2);
204  }
205  }
206  }
208  if (list_langs) {
209  GenericVector<STRING> languages;
210  api.GetAvailableLanguagesAsVector(&languages);
211  fprintf(stderr, "List of available languages (%d):\n",
212  languages.size());
213  for (int index = 0; index < languages.size(); ++index) {
214  STRING& string = languages[index];
215  fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", string.string());
216  }
217  api.End();
218  exit(0);
219  }
221  if (print_parameters) {
222  FILE* fout = stdout;
223  fprintf(stdout, "Tesseract parameters:\n");
224  api.PrintVariables(fout);
225  api.End();
226  exit(0);
227  }
229  // We have 2 possible sources of pagesegmode: a config file and
230  // the command line. For backwards compatability reasons, the
231  // default in tesseract is tesseract::PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK, but the
232  // default for this program is tesseract::PSM_AUTO. We will let
233  // the config file take priority, so the command-line default
234  // can take priority over the tesseract default, so we use the
235  // value from the command line only if the retrieved mode
236  // is still tesseract::PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK, indicating no change
237  // in any config file. Therefore the only way to force
238  // tesseract::PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK is from the command line.
239  // It would be simpler if we could set the value before Init,
240  // but that doesn't work.
241  if (api.GetPageSegMode() == tesseract::PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK)
242  api.SetPageSegMode(pagesegmode);
244  if (pagesegmode == tesseract::PSM_AUTO_ONLY ||
245  pagesegmode == tesseract::PSM_OSD_ONLY) {
246  int ret_val = 0;
248  Pix* pixs = pixRead(image);
249  if (!pixs) {
250  fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open input file: %s\n", image);
251  exit(2);
252  }
253  api.SetImage(pixs);
255  if (pagesegmode == tesseract::PSM_OSD_ONLY) {
256  OSResults osr;
257  if (api.DetectOS(&osr)) {
258  int orient = osr.best_result.orientation_id;
259  int script_id = osr.get_best_script(orient);
260  float orient_oco = osr.best_result.oconfidence;
261  float orient_sco = osr.best_result.sconfidence;
262  tprintf("Orientation: %d\nOrientation in degrees: %d\n" \
263  "Orientation confidence: %.2f\n" \
264  "Script: %d\nScript confidence: %.2f\n",
265  orient, OrientationIdToValue(orient), orient_oco,
266  script_id, orient_sco);
267  } else {
268  ret_val = 1;
269  }
270  } else {
271  tesseract::Orientation orientation;
274  float deskew_angle;
275  tesseract::PageIterator* it = api.AnalyseLayout();
276  if (it) {
277  it->Orientation(&orientation, &direction, &order, &deskew_angle);
278  tprintf("Orientation: %d\nWritingDirection: %d\nTextlineOrder: %d\n" \
279  "Deskew angle: %.4f\n",
280  orientation, direction, order, deskew_angle);
281  } else {
282  ret_val = 1;
283  }
284  delete it;
285  }
286  pixDestroy(&pixs);
287  exit(ret_val);
288  }
290  bool b;
292  api.GetBoolVariable("tessedit_create_hocr", &b);
293  if (b) {
294  bool font_info;
295  api.GetBoolVariable("hocr_font_info", &font_info);
296  renderers.push_back(new tesseract::TessHOcrRenderer(outputbase, font_info));
297  }
298  api.GetBoolVariable("tessedit_create_pdf", &b);
299  if (b) {
300  renderers.push_back(new tesseract::TessPDFRenderer(outputbase,
301  api.GetDatapath()));
302  }
303  api.GetBoolVariable("tessedit_write_unlv", &b);
304  if (b) renderers.push_back(new tesseract::TessUnlvRenderer(outputbase));
305  api.GetBoolVariable("tessedit_create_boxfile", &b);
306  if (b) renderers.push_back(new tesseract::TessBoxTextRenderer(outputbase));
307  api.GetBoolVariable("tessedit_create_txt", &b);
308  if (b) renderers.push_back(new tesseract::TessTextRenderer(outputbase));
309  if (!renderers.empty()) {
310  // Since the PointerVector auto-deletes, null-out the renderers that are
311  // added to the root, and leave the root in the vector.
312  for (int r = 1; r < renderers.size(); ++r) {
313  renderers[0]->insert(renderers[r]);
314  renderers[r] = NULL;
315  }
316  if (!api.ProcessPages(image, NULL, 0, renderers[0])) {
317  fprintf(stderr, "Error during processing.\n");
318  exit(1);
319  }
320  }
323  return 0; // Normal exit
324 }
static const char * Version()
Definition: baseapi.cpp:142
int size() const
Definition: genericvector.h:72
int push_back(T object)
#define tprintf(...)
Definition: tprintf.h:31
int direction(EDGEPT *point)
Definition: vecfuncs.cpp:43
float sconfidence
Definition: osdetect.h:43
struct TessBaseAPI TessBaseAPI
Definition: capi.h:67
int orientation_id
Definition: osdetect.h:41
float oconfidence
Definition: osdetect.h:44
void insert(T *t, int index)
Orientation and script detection only.
Definition: publictypes.h:152
const int OrientationIdToValue(const int &id)
Definition: osdetect.cpp:563
Automatic page segmentation, but no OSD, or OCR.
Definition: publictypes.h:155
Assume a single uniform block of text. (Default.)
Definition: publictypes.h:160
bool empty() const
Definition: genericvector.h:84
TESS_API int get_best_script(int orientation_id) const
Definition: osdetect.cpp:117
Fully automatic page segmentation, but no OSD.
Definition: publictypes.h:156
void Orientation(tesseract::Orientation *orientation, tesseract::WritingDirection *writing_direction, tesseract::TextlineOrder *textline_order, float *deskew_angle) const
Definition: strngs.h:44
#define NULL
Definition: host.h:144
OSBestResult best_result
Definition: osdetect.h:79
int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

This program reads in a text file consisting of feature samples from a training page in the following format:

   FontName CharName NumberOfFeatureTypes(N)
      FeatureTypeName1 NumberOfFeatures(M)
      FeatureTypeName2 NumberOfFeatures(M)
      FeatureTypeNameN NumberOfFeatures(M)
   FontName CharName ...

It then appends these samples into a separate file for each character. The name of the file is


The DirectoryName can be specified via a command line argument. If not specified, it defaults to the current directory. The format of the resulting files is:


The output files each have a header which describes the type of feature which the file contains. This header is in the format required by the clusterer. A command line argument can also be used to specify that only the first N samples of each class should be used.

argcnumber of command line arguments
argvarray of command line arguments
Globals: none
Exceptions: none
History: Fri Aug 18 08:56:17 1989, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 137 of file cntraining.cpp.

138 {
139  // Set the global Config parameters before parsing the command line.
140  Config = CNConfig;
142  const char *PageName;
143  FILE *TrainingPage;
144  LIST CharList = NIL_LIST;
145  CLUSTERER *Clusterer = NULL;
146  LIST ProtoList = NIL_LIST;
147  LIST NormProtoList = NIL_LIST;
148  LIST pCharList;
149  LABELEDLIST CharSample;
151  InitFeatureDefs(&FeatureDefs);
153  ParseArguments(&argc, &argv);
154  int num_fonts = 0;
155  while ((PageName = GetNextFilename(argc, argv)) != NULL) {
156  printf("Reading %s ...\n", PageName);
157  TrainingPage = Efopen(PageName, "rb");
159  100, NULL, TrainingPage, &CharList);
160  fclose(TrainingPage);
161  ++num_fonts;
162  }
163  printf("Clustering ...\n");
164  // To allow an individual font to form a separate cluster,
165  // reduce the min samples:
166  // Config.MinSamples = 0.5 / num_fonts;
167  pCharList = CharList;
168  iterate(pCharList) {
169  //Cluster
170  CharSample = (LABELEDLIST)first_node(pCharList);
171  Clusterer =
172  SetUpForClustering(FeatureDefs, CharSample, PROGRAM_FEATURE_TYPE);
173  float SavedMinSamples = Config.MinSamples;
174  // To disable the tendency to produce a single cluster for all fonts,
175  // make MagicSamples an impossible to achieve number:
176  // Config.MagicSamples = CharSample->SampleCount * 10;
177  Config.MagicSamples = CharSample->SampleCount;
178  while (Config.MinSamples > 0.001) {
179  ProtoList = ClusterSamples(Clusterer, &Config);
180  if (NumberOfProtos(ProtoList, 1, 0) > 0) {
181  break;
182  } else {
183  Config.MinSamples *= 0.95;
184  printf("0 significant protos for %s."
185  " Retrying clustering with MinSamples = %f%%\n",
186  CharSample->Label, Config.MinSamples);
187  }
188  }
189  Config.MinSamples = SavedMinSamples;
190  AddToNormProtosList(&NormProtoList, ProtoList, CharSample->Label);
191  }
192  FreeTrainingSamples(CharList);
193  if (Clusterer == NULL) { // To avoid a SIGSEGV
194  fprintf(stderr, "Error: NULL clusterer!\n");
195  return 1;
196  }
197  WriteNormProtos(FLAGS_D.c_str(), NormProtoList, Clusterer);
198  FreeNormProtoList(NormProtoList);
199  FreeProtoList(&ProtoList);
200  FreeClusterer(Clusterer);
201  printf ("\n");
202  return 0;
203 } // main
void FreeNormProtoList(LIST CharList)
FILE * Efopen(const char *Name, const char *Mode)
Definition: efio.cpp:43
#define NIL_LIST
Definition: oldlist.h:126
void InitFeatureDefs(FEATURE_DEFS_STRUCT *featuredefs)
Definition: featdefs.cpp:121
const char * GetNextFilename(int argc, const char *const *argv)
void WriteNormProtos(const char *Directory, LIST LabeledProtoList, CLUSTERER *Clusterer)
Definition: cntraining.cpp:222
int MagicSamples
Definition: cluster.h:55
CLUSTERER * SetUpForClustering(const FEATURE_DEFS_STRUCT &FeatureDefs, LABELEDLIST char_sample, const char *program_feature_type)
int NumberOfProtos(LIST ProtoList, BOOL8 CountSigProtos, BOOL8 CountInsigProtos)
LIST ClusterSamples(CLUSTERER *Clusterer, CLUSTERCONFIG *Config)
Definition: cluster.cpp:515
void FreeProtoList(LIST *ProtoList)
Definition: cluster.cpp:571
void ParseArguments(int *argc, char ***argv)
void FreeTrainingSamples(LIST CharList)
Definition: cntraining.cpp:79
FLOAT32 MinSamples
Definition: cluster.h:50
#define first_node(l)
Definition: oldlist.h:139
#define iterate(l)
Definition: oldlist.h:159
Definition: cntraining.cpp:41
void FreeClusterer(CLUSTERER *Clusterer)
Definition: cluster.cpp:543
#define NULL
Definition: host.h:144
void ReadTrainingSamples(const FEATURE_DEFS_STRUCT &feature_defs, const char *feature_name, int max_samples, UNICHARSET *unicharset, FILE *file, LIST *training_samples)
void AddToNormProtosList(LIST *NormProtoList, LIST ProtoList, char *CharName)
void WriteNormProtos ( const char *  Directory,
LIST  LabeledProtoList,
CLUSTERER Clusterer 

This routine writes the specified samples into files which are organized according to the font name and character name of the samples.

Directorydirectory to place sample files into
LabeledProtoListList of labeled protos
ClustererThe CLUSTERER to use
Exceptions: none
History: Fri Aug 18 16:17:06 1989, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 222 of file cntraining.cpp.

226 {
227  FILE *File;
228  STRING Filename;
229  LABELEDLIST LabeledProto;
230  int N;
232  Filename = "";
233  if (Directory != NULL && Directory[0] != '\0')
234  {
235  Filename += Directory;
236  Filename += "/";
237  }
238  Filename += "normproto";
239  printf ("\nWriting %s ...", Filename.string());
240  File = Efopen (Filename.string(), "wb");
241  fprintf(File,"%0d\n",Clusterer->SampleSize);
242  WriteParamDesc(File,Clusterer->SampleSize,Clusterer->ParamDesc);
243  iterate(LabeledProtoList)
244  {
245  LabeledProto = (LABELEDLIST) first_node (LabeledProtoList);
246  N = NumberOfProtos(LabeledProto->List, true, false);
247  if (N < 1) {
248  printf ("\nError! Not enough protos for %s: %d protos"
249  " (%d significant protos"
250  ", %d insignificant protos)\n",
251  LabeledProto->Label, N,
252  NumberOfProtos(LabeledProto->List, 1, 0),
253  NumberOfProtos(LabeledProto->List, 0, 1));
254  exit(1);
255  }
256  fprintf(File, "\n%s %d\n", LabeledProto->Label, N);
257  WriteProtos(File, Clusterer->SampleSize, LabeledProto->List, true, false);
258  }
259  fclose (File);
261 } // WriteNormProtos
FILE * Efopen(const char *Name, const char *Mode)
Definition: efio.cpp:43
void WriteProtos(FILE *File, uinT16 N, LIST ProtoList, BOOL8 WriteSigProtos, BOOL8 WriteInsigProtos)
Definition: cntraining.cpp:264
int NumberOfProtos(LIST ProtoList, BOOL8 CountSigProtos, BOOL8 CountInsigProtos)
#define first_node(l)
Definition: oldlist.h:139
#define iterate(l)
Definition: oldlist.h:159
PARAM_DESC * ParamDesc
Definition: cluster.h:88
Definition: strngs.h:44
#define NULL
Definition: host.h:144
const char * string() const
Definition: strngs.cpp:193
inT16 SampleSize
Definition: cluster.h:87
void WriteParamDesc(FILE *File, uinT16 N, PARAM_DESC ParamDesc[])
Definition: clusttool.cpp:314
void WriteProtos ( FILE *  File,
uinT16  N,
LIST  ProtoList,
BOOL8  WriteSigProtos,
BOOL8  WriteInsigProtos 

Definition at line 264 of file cntraining.cpp.

270 {
271  PROTOTYPE *Proto;
273  // write prototypes
274  iterate(ProtoList)
275  {
276  Proto = (PROTOTYPE *) first_node ( ProtoList );
277  if (( Proto->Significant && WriteSigProtos ) ||
278  ( ! Proto->Significant && WriteInsigProtos ) )
279  WritePrototype( File, N, Proto );
280  }
281 } // WriteProtos
void WritePrototype(FILE *File, uinT16 N, PROTOTYPE *Proto)
Definition: clusttool.cpp:343
unsigned Significant
Definition: cluster.h:68
#define first_node(l)
Definition: oldlist.h:139
#define iterate(l)
Definition: oldlist.h:159

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
elliptical, 0.025, 0.05, 0.8, 1e-3, 0

Definition at line 79 of file cntraining.cpp.