tesseract  4.0.0-1-g2a2b
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**********************************************************************
2  * File: linlsq.cpp (Formerly llsq.c)
3  * Description: Linear Least squares fitting code.
4  * Author: Ray Smith
5  *
6  * (C) Copyright 1991, Hewlett-Packard Ltd.
7  ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  ** limitations under the License.
16  *
17  **********************************************************************/
19 #include <cstdio>
20 #include <cmath> // for std::sqrt
21 #include "errcode.h"
22 #include "linlsq.h"
24 const ERRCODE EMPTY_LLSQ = "Can't delete from an empty LLSQ";
26 /**********************************************************************
27  * LLSQ::clear
28  *
29  * Function to initialize a LLSQ.
30  **********************************************************************/
32 void LLSQ::clear() { // initialize
33  total_weight = 0.0; // no elements
34  sigx = 0.0; // update accumulators
35  sigy = 0.0;
36  sigxx = 0.0;
37  sigxy = 0.0;
38  sigyy = 0.0;
39 }
42 /**********************************************************************
43  * LLSQ::add
44  *
45  * Add an element to the accumulator.
46  **********************************************************************/
48 void LLSQ::add(double x, double y) { // add an element
49  total_weight++; // count elements
50  sigx += x; // update accumulators
51  sigy += y;
52  sigxx += x * x;
53  sigxy += x * y;
54  sigyy += y * y;
55 }
56 // Adds an element with a specified weight.
57 void LLSQ::add(double x, double y, double weight) {
58  total_weight += weight;
59  sigx += x * weight; // update accumulators
60  sigy += y * weight;
61  sigxx += x * x * weight;
62  sigxy += x * y * weight;
63  sigyy += y * y * weight;
64 }
65 // Adds a whole LLSQ.
66 void LLSQ::add(const LLSQ& other) {
67  total_weight += other.total_weight;
68  sigx += other.sigx; // update accumulators
69  sigy += other.sigy;
70  sigxx += other.sigxx;
71  sigxy += other.sigxy;
72  sigyy += other.sigyy;
73 }
76 /**********************************************************************
77  * LLSQ::remove
78  *
79  * Delete an element from the acculuator.
80  **********************************************************************/
82 void LLSQ::remove(double x, double y) { // delete an element
83  if (total_weight <= 0.0) // illegal
84  EMPTY_LLSQ.error("LLSQ::remove", ABORT, nullptr);
85  total_weight--; // count elements
86  sigx -= x; // update accumulators
87  sigy -= y;
88  sigxx -= x * x;
89  sigxy -= x * y;
90  sigyy -= y * y;
91 }
94 /**********************************************************************
95  * LLSQ::m
96  *
97  * Return the gradient of the line fit.
98  **********************************************************************/
100 double LLSQ::m() const { // get gradient
101  double covar = covariance();
102  double x_var = x_variance();
103  if (x_var != 0.0)
104  return covar / x_var;
105  else
106  return 0.0; // too little
107 }
110 /**********************************************************************
111  * LLSQ::c
112  *
113  * Return the constant of the line fit.
114  **********************************************************************/
116 double LLSQ::c(double m) const { // get constant
117  if (total_weight > 0.0)
118  return (sigy - m * sigx) / total_weight;
119  else
120  return 0; // too little
121 }
124 /**********************************************************************
125  * LLSQ::rms
126  *
127  * Return the rms error of the fit.
128  **********************************************************************/
130 double LLSQ::rms(double m, double c) const { // get error
131  double error; // total error
133  if (total_weight > 0) {
134  error = sigyy + m * (m * sigxx + 2 * (c * sigx - sigxy)) + c *
135  (total_weight * c - 2 * sigy);
136  if (error >= 0)
137  error = std::sqrt(error / total_weight); // sqrt of mean
138  else
139  error = 0;
140  } else {
141  error = 0; // too little
142  }
143  return error;
144 }
147 /**********************************************************************
148  * LLSQ::pearson
149  *
150  * Return the pearson product moment correlation coefficient.
151  **********************************************************************/
153 double LLSQ::pearson() const { // get correlation
154  double r = 0.0; // Correlation is 0 if insufficient data.
156  double covar = covariance();
157  if (covar != 0.0) {
158  double var_product = x_variance() * y_variance();
159  if (var_product > 0.0)
160  r = covar / std::sqrt(var_product);
161  }
162  return r;
163 }
165 // Returns the x,y means as an FCOORD.
167  if (total_weight > 0.0) {
168  return FCOORD(sigx / total_weight, sigy / total_weight);
169  } else {
170  return FCOORD(0.0f, 0.0f);
171  }
172 }
174 // Returns the sqrt of the mean squared error measured perpendicular from the
175 // line through mean_point() in the direction dir.
176 //
177 // Derivation:
178 // Lemma: Let v and x_i (i=1..N) be a k-dimensional vectors (1xk matrices).
179 // Let % be dot product and ' be transpose. Note that:
180 // Sum[i=1..N] (v % x_i)^2
181 // = v * [x_1' x_2' ... x_N'] * [x_1' x_2' .. x_N']' * v'
182 // If x_i have average 0 we have:
183 // = v * (N * COVARIANCE_MATRIX(X)) * v'
184 // Expanded for the case that k = 2, where we treat the dimensions
185 // as x_i and y_i, this is:
186 // = v * (N * [VAR(X), COV(X,Y); COV(X,Y) VAR(Y)]) * v'
187 // Now, we are trying to calculate the mean squared error, where v is
188 // perpendicular to our line of interest:
189 // Mean squared error
190 // = E [ (v % (x_i - x_avg))) ^2 ]
191 // = Sum (v % (x_i - x_avg))^2 / N
192 // = v * N * [VAR(X) COV(X,Y); COV(X,Y) VAR(Y)] / N * v'
193 // = v * [VAR(X) COV(X,Y); COV(X,Y) VAR(Y)] * v'
194 // = code below
195 double LLSQ::rms_orth(const FCOORD &dir) const {
196  FCOORD v = !dir;
197  v.normalise();
198  return std::sqrt(v.x() * v.x() * x_variance() +
199  2 * v.x() * v.y() * covariance() +
200  v.y() * v.y() * y_variance());
201 }
203 // Returns the direction of the fitted line as a unit vector, using the
204 // least mean squared perpendicular distance. The line runs through the
205 // mean_point, i.e. a point p on the line is given by:
206 // p = mean_point() + lambda * vector_fit() for some real number lambda.
207 // Note that the result (0<=x<=1, -1<=y<=-1) is directionally ambiguous
208 // and may be negated without changing its meaning.
209 // Fitting a line m + ๐œ†v to a set of N points Pi = (xi, yi), where
210 // m is the mean point (๐, ๐‚) and
211 // v is the direction vector (cos๐œƒ, sin๐œƒ)
212 // The perpendicular distance of each Pi from the line is:
213 // (Pi - m) x v, where x is the scalar cross product.
214 // Total squared error is thus:
215 // E = โˆ‘((xi - ๐)sin๐œƒ - (yi - ๐‚)cos๐œƒ)ยฒ
216 // = โˆ‘(xi - ๐)ยฒsinยฒ๐œƒ - 2โˆ‘(xi - ๐)(yi - ๐‚)sin๐œƒ cos๐œƒ + โˆ‘(yi - ๐‚)ยฒcosยฒ๐œƒ
217 // = NVar(xi)sinยฒ๐œƒ - 2NCovar(xi, yi)sin๐œƒ cos๐œƒ + NVar(yi)cosยฒ๐œƒ (Eq 1)
218 // where Var(xi) is the variance of xi,
219 // and Covar(xi, yi) is the covariance of xi, yi.
220 // Taking the derivative wrt ๐œƒ and setting to 0 to obtain the min/max:
221 // 0 = 2NVar(xi)sin๐œƒ cos๐œƒ -2NCovar(xi, yi)(cosยฒ๐œƒ - sinยฒ๐œƒ) -2NVar(yi)sin๐œƒ cos๐œƒ
222 // => Covar(xi, yi)(cosยฒ๐œƒ - sinยฒ๐œƒ) = (Var(xi) - Var(yi))sin๐œƒ cos๐œƒ
223 // Using double angles:
224 // 2Covar(xi, yi)cos2๐œƒ = (Var(xi) - Var(yi))sin2๐œƒ (Eq 2)
225 // So ๐œƒ = 0.5 atan2(2Covar(xi, yi), Var(xi) - Var(yi)) (Eq 3)
227 // Because it involves 2๐œƒ , Eq 2 has 2 solutions 90 degrees apart, but which
228 // is the min and which is the max? From Eq1:
229 // E/N = Var(xi)sinยฒ๐œƒ - 2Covar(xi, yi)sin๐œƒ cos๐œƒ + Var(yi)cosยฒ๐œƒ
230 // and 90 degrees away, using sin/cos equivalences:
231 // E'/N = Var(xi)cosยฒ๐œƒ + 2Covar(xi, yi)sin๐œƒ cos๐œƒ + Var(yi)sinยฒ๐œƒ
232 // The second error is smaller (making it the minimum) iff
233 // E'/N < E/N ie:
234 // (Var(xi) - Var(yi))(cosยฒ๐œƒ - sinยฒ๐œƒ) < -4Covar(xi, yi)sin๐œƒ cos๐œƒ
235 // Using double angles:
236 // (Var(xi) - Var(yi))cos2๐œƒ < -2Covar(xi, yi)sin2๐œƒ (InEq 1)
237 // But atan2(2Covar(xi, yi), Var(xi) - Var(yi)) picks 2๐œƒ such that:
238 // sgn(cos2๐œƒ) = sgn(Var(xi) - Var(yi)) and sgn(sin2๐œƒ) = sgn(Covar(xi, yi))
239 // so InEq1 can *never* be true, making the atan2 result *always* the min!
240 // In the degenerate case, where Covar(xi, yi) = 0 AND Var(xi) = Var(yi),
241 // the 2 solutions have equal error and the inequality is still false.
242 // Therefore the solution really is as trivial as Eq 3.
244 // This is equivalent to returning the Principal Component in PCA, or the
245 // eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue in the covariance
246 // matrix. However, atan2 is much simpler! The one reference I found that
247 // uses this formula is http://web.mit.edu/18.06/www/Essays/tlsfit.pdf but
248 // that is still a much more complex derivation. It seems Pearson had already
249 // found this simple solution in 1901.
250 // http://books.google.com/books?id=WXwvAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA559
252  double x_var = x_variance();
253  double y_var = y_variance();
254  double covar = covariance();
255  double theta = 0.5 * atan2(2.0 * covar, x_var - y_var);
256  FCOORD result(cos(theta), sin(theta));
257  return result;
258 }
double c(double m) const
Definition: linlsq.cpp:116
bool normalise()
Convert to unit vec.
void remove(double x, double y)
Definition: linlsq.cpp:82
double covariance() const
Definition: linlsq.h:75
Definition: linlsq.cpp:24
Definition: errcode.h:30
void add(double x, double y)
Definition: linlsq.cpp:48
FCOORD mean_point() const
Definition: linlsq.cpp:166
double rms_orth(const FCOORD &dir) const
Definition: linlsq.cpp:195
void clear()
Definition: linlsq.cpp:32
FCOORD vector_fit() const
Definition: linlsq.cpp:251
double m() const
Definition: linlsq.cpp:100
Definition: linlsq.h:28
double y_variance() const
Definition: linlsq.h:87
double rms(double m, double c) const
Definition: linlsq.cpp:130
double pearson() const
Definition: linlsq.cpp:153
Definition: points.h:189
double x_variance() const
Definition: linlsq.h:81
float x() const
Definition: points.h:208
float y() const
Definition: points.h:211
void error(const char *caller, TessErrorLogCode action, const char *format,...) const
Definition: errcode.cpp:37