tesseract  4.0.0-1-g2a2b
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2 // Author: rays@google.com (Ray Smith)
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
13 //
15 #include <algorithm>
16 #include <ctime>
18 #include "errorcounter.h"
20 #include "fontinfo.h"
21 #include "sampleiterator.h"
22 #include "shapeclassifier.h"
23 #include "shapetable.h"
24 #include "trainingsample.h"
25 #include "trainingsampleset.h"
26 #include "unicity_table.h"
28 namespace tesseract {
30 // Difference in result rating to be thought of as an "equal" choice.
31 const double kRatingEpsilon = 1.0 / 32;
33 // Tests a classifier, computing its error rate.
34 // See errorcounter.h for description of arguments.
35 // Iterates over the samples, calling the classifier in normal/silent mode.
36 // If the classifier makes a CT_UNICHAR_TOPN_ERR error, and the appropriate
37 // report_level is set (4 or greater), it will then call the classifier again
38 // with a debug flag and a keep_this argument to find out what is going on.
40  int report_level, CountTypes boosting_mode,
41  const FontInfoTable& fontinfo_table,
42  const GenericVector<Pix*>& page_images, SampleIterator* it,
43  double* unichar_error, double* scaled_error, STRING* fonts_report) {
44  const int fontsize = it->sample_set()->NumFonts();
45  ErrorCounter counter(classifier->GetUnicharset(), fontsize);
48  clock_t start = clock();
49  unsigned total_samples = 0;
50  double unscaled_error = 0.0;
51  // Set a number of samples on which to run the classify debug mode.
52  int error_samples = report_level > 3 ? report_level * report_level : 0;
53  // Iterate over all the samples, accumulating errors.
54  for (it->Begin(); !it->AtEnd(); it->Next()) {
55  TrainingSample* mutable_sample = it->MutableSample();
56  int page_index = mutable_sample->page_num();
57  Pix* page_pix = 0 <= page_index && page_index < page_images.size()
58  ? page_images[page_index] : nullptr;
59  // No debug, no keep this.
60  classifier->UnicharClassifySample(*mutable_sample, page_pix, 0,
61  INVALID_UNICHAR_ID, &results);
62  bool debug_it = false;
63  int correct_id = mutable_sample->class_id();
64  if (counter.unicharset_.has_special_codes() &&
65  (correct_id == UNICHAR_SPACE || correct_id == UNICHAR_JOINED ||
66  correct_id == UNICHAR_BROKEN)) {
67  // This is junk so use the special counter.
68  debug_it = counter.AccumulateJunk(report_level > 3,
69  results,
70  mutable_sample);
71  } else {
72  debug_it = counter.AccumulateErrors(report_level > 3, boosting_mode,
73  fontinfo_table,
74  results, mutable_sample);
75  }
76  if (debug_it && error_samples > 0) {
77  // Running debug, keep the correct answer, and debug the classifier.
78  tprintf("Error on sample %d: %s Classifier debug output:\n",
79  it->GlobalSampleIndex(),
80  it->sample_set()->SampleToString(*mutable_sample).string());
81  classifier->DebugDisplay(*mutable_sample, page_pix, correct_id);
82  --error_samples;
83  }
84  ++total_samples;
85  }
86  const double total_time = 1.0 * (clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
87  // Create the appropriate error report.
88  unscaled_error = counter.ReportErrors(report_level, boosting_mode,
89  fontinfo_table,
90  *it, unichar_error, fonts_report);
91  if (scaled_error != nullptr) *scaled_error = counter.scaled_error_;
92  if (report_level > 1 && total_samples > 0) {
93  // It is useful to know the time in microseconds/char.
94  tprintf("Errors computed in %.2fs at %.1f μs/char\n",
95  total_time, 1000000.0 * total_time / total_samples);
96  }
97  return unscaled_error;
98 }
100 // Tests a pair of classifiers, debugging errors of the new against the old.
101 // See errorcounter.h for description of arguments.
102 // Iterates over the samples, calling the classifiers in normal/silent mode.
103 // If the new_classifier makes a boosting_mode error that the old_classifier
104 // does not, it will then call the new_classifier again with a debug flag
105 // and a keep_this argument to find out what is going on.
107  ShapeClassifier* new_classifier, ShapeClassifier* old_classifier,
108  CountTypes boosting_mode,
109  const FontInfoTable& fontinfo_table,
110  const GenericVector<Pix*>& page_images, SampleIterator* it) {
111  int fontsize = it->sample_set()->NumFonts();
112  ErrorCounter old_counter(old_classifier->GetUnicharset(), fontsize);
113  ErrorCounter new_counter(new_classifier->GetUnicharset(), fontsize);
116  int total_samples = 0;
117  int error_samples = 25;
118  int total_new_errors = 0;
119  // Iterate over all the samples, accumulating errors.
120  for (it->Begin(); !it->AtEnd(); it->Next()) {
121  TrainingSample* mutable_sample = it->MutableSample();
122  int page_index = mutable_sample->page_num();
123  Pix* page_pix = 0 <= page_index && page_index < page_images.size()
124  ? page_images[page_index] : nullptr;
125  // No debug, no keep this.
126  old_classifier->UnicharClassifySample(*mutable_sample, page_pix, 0,
127  INVALID_UNICHAR_ID, &results);
128  int correct_id = mutable_sample->class_id();
129  if (correct_id != 0 &&
130  !old_counter.AccumulateErrors(true, boosting_mode, fontinfo_table,
131  results, mutable_sample)) {
132  // old classifier was correct, check the new one.
133  new_classifier->UnicharClassifySample(*mutable_sample, page_pix, 0,
134  INVALID_UNICHAR_ID, &results);
135  if (correct_id != 0 &&
136  new_counter.AccumulateErrors(true, boosting_mode, fontinfo_table,
137  results, mutable_sample)) {
138  tprintf("New Error on sample %d: Classifier debug output:\n",
139  it->GlobalSampleIndex());
140  ++total_new_errors;
141  new_classifier->UnicharClassifySample(*mutable_sample, page_pix, 1,
142  correct_id, &results);
143  if (results.size() > 0 && error_samples > 0) {
144  new_classifier->DebugDisplay(*mutable_sample, page_pix, correct_id);
145  --error_samples;
146  }
147  }
148  }
149  ++total_samples;
150  }
151  tprintf("Total new errors = %d\n", total_new_errors);
152 }
154 // Constructor is private. Only anticipated use of ErrorCounter is via
155 // the static ComputeErrorRate.
156 ErrorCounter::ErrorCounter(const UNICHARSET& unicharset, int fontsize)
157  : scaled_error_(0.0), rating_epsilon_(kRatingEpsilon),
158  unichar_counts_(unicharset.size(), unicharset.size(), 0),
159  ok_score_hist_(0, 101), bad_score_hist_(0, 101),
160  unicharset_(unicharset) {
161  Counts empty_counts;
162  font_counts_.init_to_size(fontsize, empty_counts);
163  multi_unichar_counts_.init_to_size(unicharset.size(), 0);
164 }
166 // Accumulates the errors from the classifier results on a single sample.
167 // Returns true if debug is true and a CT_UNICHAR_TOPN_ERR error occurred.
168 // boosting_mode selects the type of error to be used for boosting and the
169 // is_error_ member of sample is set according to whether the required type
170 // of error occurred. The font_table provides access to font properties
171 // for error counting and shape_table is used to understand the relationship
172 // between unichar_ids and shape_ids in the results
173 bool ErrorCounter::AccumulateErrors(bool debug, CountTypes boosting_mode,
174  const FontInfoTable& font_table,
175  const GenericVector<UnicharRating>& results,
176  TrainingSample* sample) {
177  int num_results = results.size();
178  int answer_actual_rank = -1;
179  int font_id = sample->font_id();
180  int unichar_id = sample->class_id();
181  sample->set_is_error(false);
182  if (num_results == 0) {
183  // Reject. We count rejects as a separate category, but still mark the
184  // sample as an error in case any training module wants to use that to
185  // improve the classifier.
186  sample->set_is_error(true);
187  ++font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_REJECT];
188  } else {
189  // Find rank of correct unichar answer, using rating_epsilon_ to allow
190  // different answers to score as equal. (Ignoring the font.)
191  int epsilon_rank = 0;
192  int answer_epsilon_rank = -1;
193  int num_top_answers = 0;
194  double prev_rating = results[0].rating;
195  bool joined = false;
196  bool broken = false;
197  int res_index = 0;
198  while (res_index < num_results) {
199  if (results[res_index].rating < prev_rating - rating_epsilon_) {
200  ++epsilon_rank;
201  prev_rating = results[res_index].rating;
202  }
203  if (results[res_index].unichar_id == unichar_id &&
204  answer_epsilon_rank < 0) {
205  answer_epsilon_rank = epsilon_rank;
206  answer_actual_rank = res_index;
207  }
208  if (results[res_index].unichar_id == UNICHAR_JOINED &&
209  unicharset_.has_special_codes())
210  joined = true;
211  else if (results[res_index].unichar_id == UNICHAR_BROKEN &&
212  unicharset_.has_special_codes())
213  broken = true;
214  else if (epsilon_rank == 0)
215  ++num_top_answers;
216  ++res_index;
217  }
218  if (answer_actual_rank != 0) {
219  // Correct result is not absolute top.
220  ++font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_UNICHAR_TOPTOP_ERR];
221  if (boosting_mode == CT_UNICHAR_TOPTOP_ERR) sample->set_is_error(true);
222  }
223  if (answer_epsilon_rank == 0) {
224  ++font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_UNICHAR_TOP_OK];
225  // Unichar OK, but count if multiple unichars.
226  if (num_top_answers > 1) {
227  ++font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_OK_MULTI_UNICHAR];
228  ++multi_unichar_counts_[unichar_id];
229  }
230  // Check to see if any font in the top choice has attributes that match.
231  // TODO(rays) It is easy to add counters for individual font attributes
232  // here if we want them.
233  if (font_table.SetContainsFontProperties(
234  font_id, results[answer_actual_rank].fonts)) {
235  // Font attributes were matched.
236  // Check for multiple properties.
237  if (font_table.SetContainsMultipleFontProperties(
238  results[answer_actual_rank].fonts))
239  ++font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_OK_MULTI_FONT];
240  } else {
241  // Font attributes weren't matched.
242  ++font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_FONT_ATTR_ERR];
243  }
244  } else {
245  // This is a top unichar error.
246  ++font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_UNICHAR_TOP1_ERR];
247  if (boosting_mode == CT_UNICHAR_TOP1_ERR) sample->set_is_error(true);
248  // Count maps from unichar id to wrong unichar id.
249  ++unichar_counts_(unichar_id, results[0].unichar_id);
250  if (answer_epsilon_rank < 0 || answer_epsilon_rank >= 2) {
251  // It is also a 2nd choice unichar error.
252  ++font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_UNICHAR_TOP2_ERR];
253  if (boosting_mode == CT_UNICHAR_TOP2_ERR) sample->set_is_error(true);
254  }
255  if (answer_epsilon_rank < 0) {
256  // It is also a top-n choice unichar error.
257  ++font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_UNICHAR_TOPN_ERR];
258  if (boosting_mode == CT_UNICHAR_TOPN_ERR) sample->set_is_error(true);
259  answer_epsilon_rank = epsilon_rank;
260  }
261  }
262  // Compute mean number of return values and mean rank of correct answer.
263  font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_NUM_RESULTS] += num_results;
264  font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_RANK] += answer_epsilon_rank;
265  if (joined)
266  ++font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_OK_JOINED];
267  if (broken)
268  ++font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_OK_BROKEN];
269  }
270  // If it was an error for boosting then sum the weight.
271  if (sample->is_error()) {
272  scaled_error_ += sample->weight();
273  if (debug) {
274  tprintf("%d results for char %s font %d :",
275  num_results, unicharset_.id_to_unichar(unichar_id),
276  font_id);
277  for (int i = 0; i < num_results; ++i) {
278  tprintf(" %.3f : %s\n",
279  results[i].rating,
280  unicharset_.id_to_unichar(results[i].unichar_id));
281  }
282  return true;
283  }
284  int percent = 0;
285  if (num_results > 0)
286  percent = IntCastRounded(results[0].rating * 100);
287  bad_score_hist_.add(percent, 1);
288  } else {
289  int percent = 0;
290  if (answer_actual_rank >= 0)
291  percent = IntCastRounded(results[answer_actual_rank].rating * 100);
292  ok_score_hist_.add(percent, 1);
293  }
294  return false;
295 }
297 // Accumulates counts for junk. Counts only whether the junk was correctly
298 // rejected or not.
299 bool ErrorCounter::AccumulateJunk(bool debug,
300  const GenericVector<UnicharRating>& results,
301  TrainingSample* sample) {
302  // For junk we accept no answer, or an explicit shape answer matching the
303  // class id of the sample.
304  const int num_results = results.size();
305  const int font_id = sample->font_id();
306  const int unichar_id = sample->class_id();
307  int percent = 0;
308  if (num_results > 0)
309  percent = IntCastRounded(results[0].rating * 100);
310  if (num_results > 0 && results[0].unichar_id != unichar_id) {
311  // This is a junk error.
312  ++font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_ACCEPTED_JUNK];
313  sample->set_is_error(true);
314  // It counts as an error for boosting too so sum the weight.
315  scaled_error_ += sample->weight();
316  bad_score_hist_.add(percent, 1);
317  return debug;
318  } else {
319  // Correctly rejected.
320  ++font_counts_[font_id].n[CT_REJECTED_JUNK];
321  sample->set_is_error(false);
322  ok_score_hist_.add(percent, 1);
323  }
324  return false;
325 }
327 // Creates a report of the error rate. The report_level controls the detail
328 // that is reported to stderr via tprintf:
329 // 0 -> no output.
330 // >=1 -> bottom-line error rate.
331 // >=3 -> font-level error rate.
332 // boosting_mode determines the return value. It selects which (un-weighted)
333 // error rate to return.
334 // The fontinfo_table from MasterTrainer provides the names of fonts.
335 // The it determines the current subset of the training samples.
336 // If not nullptr, the top-choice unichar error rate is saved in unichar_error.
337 // If not nullptr, the report string is saved in fonts_report.
338 // (Ignoring report_level).
339 double ErrorCounter::ReportErrors(int report_level, CountTypes boosting_mode,
340  const FontInfoTable& fontinfo_table,
341  const SampleIterator& it,
342  double* unichar_error,
343  STRING* fonts_report) {
344  // Compute totals over all the fonts and report individual font results
345  // when required.
346  Counts totals;
347  int fontsize = font_counts_.size();
348  for (int f = 0; f < fontsize; ++f) {
349  // Accumulate counts over fonts.
350  totals += font_counts_[f];
351  STRING font_report;
352  if (ReportString(false, font_counts_[f], &font_report)) {
353  if (fonts_report != nullptr) {
354  *fonts_report += fontinfo_table.get(f).name;
355  *fonts_report += ": ";
356  *fonts_report += font_report;
357  *fonts_report += "\n";
358  }
359  if (report_level > 2) {
360  // Report individual font error rates.
361  tprintf("%s: %s\n", fontinfo_table.get(f).name, font_report.string());
362  }
363  }
364  }
365  // Report the totals.
366  STRING total_report;
367  bool any_results = ReportString(true, totals, &total_report);
368  if (fonts_report != nullptr && fonts_report->length() == 0) {
369  // Make sure we return something even if there were no samples.
370  *fonts_report = "NoSamplesFound: ";
371  *fonts_report += total_report;
372  *fonts_report += "\n";
373  }
374  if (report_level > 0) {
375  // Report the totals.
376  STRING total_report;
377  if (any_results) {
378  tprintf("TOTAL Scaled Err=%.4g%%, %s\n",
379  scaled_error_ * 100.0, total_report.string());
380  }
381  // Report the worst substitution error only for now.
382  if (totals.n[CT_UNICHAR_TOP1_ERR] > 0) {
383  int charsetsize = unicharset_.size();
384  int worst_uni_id = 0;
385  int worst_result_id = 0;
386  int worst_err = 0;
387  for (int u = 0; u < charsetsize; ++u) {
388  for (int v = 0; v < charsetsize; ++v) {
389  if (unichar_counts_(u, v) > worst_err) {
390  worst_err = unichar_counts_(u, v);
391  worst_uni_id = u;
392  worst_result_id = v;
393  }
394  }
395  }
396  if (worst_err > 0) {
397  tprintf("Worst error = %d:%s -> %s with %d/%d=%.2f%% errors\n",
398  worst_uni_id, unicharset_.id_to_unichar(worst_uni_id),
399  unicharset_.id_to_unichar(worst_result_id),
400  worst_err, totals.n[CT_UNICHAR_TOP1_ERR],
401  100.0 * worst_err / totals.n[CT_UNICHAR_TOP1_ERR]);
402  }
403  }
404  tprintf("Multi-unichar shape use:\n");
405  for (int u = 0; u < multi_unichar_counts_.size(); ++u) {
406  if (multi_unichar_counts_[u] > 0) {
407  tprintf("%d multiple answers for unichar: %s\n",
408  multi_unichar_counts_[u],
409  unicharset_.id_to_unichar(u));
410  }
411  }
412  tprintf("OK Score histogram:\n");
413  ok_score_hist_.print();
414  tprintf("ERROR Score histogram:\n");
415  bad_score_hist_.print();
416  }
418  double rates[CT_SIZE];
419  if (!ComputeRates(totals, rates))
420  return 0.0;
421  // Set output values if asked for.
422  if (unichar_error != nullptr)
423  *unichar_error = rates[CT_UNICHAR_TOP1_ERR];
424  return rates[boosting_mode];
425 }
427 // Sets the report string to a combined human and machine-readable report
428 // string of the error rates.
429 // Returns false if there is no data, leaving report unchanged, unless
430 // even_if_empty is true.
431 bool ErrorCounter::ReportString(bool even_if_empty, const Counts& counts,
432  STRING* report) {
433  // Compute the error rates.
434  double rates[CT_SIZE];
435  if (!ComputeRates(counts, rates) && !even_if_empty)
436  return false;
437  // Using %.4g%%, the length of the output string should exactly match the
438  // length of the format string, but in case of overflow, allow for +eddd
439  // on each number.
440  const int kMaxExtraLength = 5; // Length of +eddd.
441  // Keep this format string and the snprintf in sync with the CountTypes enum.
442  const char* format_str = "Unichar=%.4g%%[1], %.4g%%[2], %.4g%%[n], %.4g%%[T] "
443  "Mult=%.4g%%, Jn=%.4g%%, Brk=%.4g%%, Rej=%.4g%%, "
444  "FontAttr=%.4g%%, Multi=%.4g%%, "
445  "Answers=%.3g, Rank=%.3g, "
446  "OKjunk=%.4g%%, Badjunk=%.4g%%";
447  const size_t max_str_len = strlen(format_str) + kMaxExtraLength * (CT_SIZE - 1) + 1;
448  char* formatted_str = new char[max_str_len];
449  snprintf(formatted_str, max_str_len, format_str,
450  rates[CT_UNICHAR_TOP1_ERR] * 100.0,
451  rates[CT_UNICHAR_TOP2_ERR] * 100.0,
452  rates[CT_UNICHAR_TOPN_ERR] * 100.0,
453  rates[CT_UNICHAR_TOPTOP_ERR] * 100.0,
454  rates[CT_OK_MULTI_UNICHAR] * 100.0,
455  rates[CT_OK_JOINED] * 100.0,
456  rates[CT_OK_BROKEN] * 100.0,
457  rates[CT_REJECT] * 100.0,
458  rates[CT_FONT_ATTR_ERR] * 100.0,
459  rates[CT_OK_MULTI_FONT] * 100.0,
460  rates[CT_NUM_RESULTS],
461  rates[CT_RANK],
462  100.0 * rates[CT_REJECTED_JUNK],
463  100.0 * rates[CT_ACCEPTED_JUNK]);
464  *report = formatted_str;
465  delete [] formatted_str;
466  // Now append each field of counts with a tab in front so the result can
467  // be loaded into a spreadsheet.
468  for (int ct = 0; ct < CT_SIZE; ++ct)
469  report->add_str_int("\t", counts.n[ct]);
470  return true;
471 }
473 // Computes the error rates and returns in rates which is an array of size
474 // CT_SIZE. Returns false if there is no data, leaving rates unchanged.
475 bool ErrorCounter::ComputeRates(const Counts& counts, double rates[CT_SIZE]) {
476  const int ok_samples = counts.n[CT_UNICHAR_TOP_OK] + counts.n[CT_UNICHAR_TOP1_ERR] +
477  counts.n[CT_REJECT];
478  const int junk_samples = counts.n[CT_REJECTED_JUNK] + counts.n[CT_ACCEPTED_JUNK];
479  // Compute rates for normal chars.
480  double denominator = static_cast<double>(std::max(ok_samples, 1));
481  for (int ct = 0; ct <= CT_RANK; ++ct)
482  rates[ct] = counts.n[ct] / denominator;
483  // Compute rates for junk.
484  denominator = static_cast<double>(std::max(junk_samples, 1));
485  for (int ct = CT_REJECTED_JUNK; ct <= CT_ACCEPTED_JUNK; ++ct)
486  rates[ct] = counts.n[ct] / denominator;
487  return ok_samples != 0 || junk_samples != 0;
488 }
490 ErrorCounter::Counts::Counts() {
491  memset(n, 0, sizeof(n[0]) * CT_SIZE);
492 }
493 // Adds other into this for computing totals.
494 void ErrorCounter::Counts::operator+=(const Counts& other) {
495  for (int ct = 0; ct < CT_SIZE; ++ct)
496  n[ct] += other.n[ct];
497 }
500 } // namespace tesseract.
ICOORD & operator+=(ICOORD &op1, const ICOORD &op2)
Definition: points.h:382
int size() const
Definition: genericvector.h:71
Definition: cluster.h:32
const char * string() const
Definition: strngs.cpp:196
virtual const UNICHARSET & GetUnicharset() const
virtual void DebugDisplay(const TrainingSample &sample, Pix *page_pix, UNICHAR_ID unichar_id)
TrainingSample * MutableSample() const
const TrainingSampleSet * sample_set() const
int size() const
Definition: unicharset.h:336
static void DebugNewErrors(ShapeClassifier *new_classifier, ShapeClassifier *old_classifier, CountTypes boosting_mode, const FontInfoTable &fontinfo_table, const GenericVector< Pix *> &page_images, SampleIterator *it)
void init_to_size(int size, const T &t)
const double kRatingEpsilon
int IntCastRounded(double x)
Definition: helpers.h:168
DLLSYM void tprintf(const char *format,...)
Definition: tprintf.cpp:37
void add(int32_t value, int32_t count)
Definition: statistc.cpp:100
void add_str_int(const char *str, int number)
Definition: strngs.cpp:379
Definition: strngs.h:45
static double ComputeErrorRate(ShapeClassifier *classifier, int report_level, CountTypes boosting_mode, const FontInfoTable &fontinfo_table, const GenericVector< Pix *> &page_images, SampleIterator *it, double *unichar_error, double *scaled_error, STRING *fonts_report)
virtual int UnicharClassifySample(const TrainingSample &sample, Pix *page_pix, int debug, UNICHAR_ID keep_this, GenericVector< UnicharRating > *results)
const char * id_to_unichar(UNICHAR_ID id) const
Definition: unicharset.cpp:290
STRING SampleToString(const TrainingSample &sample) const
void print() const
Definition: statistc.cpp:533
bool has_special_codes() const
Definition: unicharset.h:717
UNICHAR_ID class_id() const
int32_t length() const
Definition: strngs.cpp:191