tesseract  4.0.0-1-g2a2b
lstmtraining.cpp File Reference
#include <cerrno>
#include "commontraining.h"
#include "lstmtester.h"
#include "lstmtrainer.h"
#include "params.h"
#include "strngs.h"
#include "tprintf.h"
#include "unicharset_training_utils.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 INT_PARAM_FLAG (debug_interval, 0, "How often to display the alignment.")
 STRING_PARAM_FLAG (net_spec, "", "Network specification")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (net_mode, 192, "Controls network behavior.")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (perfect_sample_delay, 0, "How many imperfect samples between perfect ones.")
 DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG (target_error_rate, 0.01, "Final error rate in percent.")
 DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG (weight_range, 0.1, "Range of initial random weights.")
 DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG (learning_rate, 10.0e-4, "Weight factor for new deltas.")
 DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG (momentum, 0.5, "Decay factor for repeating deltas.")
 DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG (adam_beta, 0.999, "Decay factor for repeating deltas.")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (max_image_MB, 6000, "Max memory to use for images.")
 STRING_PARAM_FLAG (continue_from, "", "Existing model to extend")
 STRING_PARAM_FLAG (model_output, "lstmtrain", "Basename for output models")
 STRING_PARAM_FLAG (train_listfile, "", "File listing training files in lstmf training format.")
 STRING_PARAM_FLAG (eval_listfile, "", "File listing eval files in lstmf training format.")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (stop_training, false, "Just convert the training model to a runtime model.")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (convert_to_int, false, "Convert the recognition model to an integer model.")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (sequential_training, false, "Use the training files sequentially instead of round-robin.")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (append_index, -1, "Index in continue_from Network at which to" " attach the new network defined by net_spec")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (debug_network, false, "Get info on distribution of weight values")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (max_iterations, 0, "If set, exit after this many iterations")
 STRING_PARAM_FLAG (traineddata, "", "Combined Dawgs/Unicharset/Recoder for language model")
 STRING_PARAM_FLAG (old_traineddata, "", "When changing the character set, this specifies the old" " character set that is to be replaced")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (randomly_rotate, false, "Train OSD and randomly turn training samples upside-down")
int main (int argc, char **argv)


const int kNumPagesPerBatch = 100

Function Documentation


BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( stop_training  ,
false  ,
"Just convert the training model to a runtime model."   


BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( convert_to_int  ,
false  ,
"Convert the recognition model to an integer model."   


BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( sequential_training  ,
false  ,
"Use the training files sequentially instead of round-robin."   


BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( debug_network  ,
false  ,
"Get info on distribution of weight values"   


BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( randomly_rotate  ,
false  ,
"Train OSD and randomly turn training samples upside-down"   


DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG ( target_error_rate  ,
0.  01,
"Final error rate in percent."   


DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG ( weight_range  ,
0.  1,
"Range of initial random weights."   


DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG ( learning_rate  ,
10.0e-  4,
"Weight factor for new deltas."   


DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG ( momentum  ,
0.  5,
"Decay factor for repeating deltas."   


DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG ( adam_beta  ,
0.  999,
"Decay factor for repeating deltas."   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [1/6]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( debug_interval  ,
"How often to display the alignment."   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [2/6]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( net_mode  ,
192  ,
"Controls network behavior."   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [3/6]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( perfect_sample_delay  ,
"How many imperfect samples between perfect ones."   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [4/6]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( max_image_MB  ,
6000  ,
"Max memory to use for images."   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [5/6]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( append_index  ,
"Index in continue_from Network at which to" " attach the new network defined by net_spec"   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [6/6]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( max_iterations  ,
"If  set,
exit after this many iterations"   

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 74 of file lstmtraining.cpp.

74  {
75  tesseract::CheckSharedLibraryVersion();
76  ParseArguments(&argc, &argv);
77  if (FLAGS_model_output.empty()) {
78  tprintf("Must provide a --model_output!\n");
79  return EXIT_FAILURE;
80  }
81  if (FLAGS_traineddata.empty()) {
82  tprintf("Must provide a --traineddata see training wiki\n");
83  return EXIT_FAILURE;
84  }
86  // Check write permissions.
87  STRING test_file = FLAGS_model_output.c_str();
88  test_file += "_wtest";
89  FILE* f = fopen(test_file.c_str(), "wb");
90  if (f != nullptr) {
91  fclose(f);
92  if (remove(test_file.c_str()) != 0) {
93  tprintf("Error, failed to remove %s: %s\n",
94  test_file.c_str(), strerror(errno));
95  return EXIT_FAILURE;
96  }
97  } else {
98  tprintf("Error, model output cannot be written: %s\n", strerror(errno));
99  return EXIT_FAILURE;
100  }
102  // Setup the trainer.
103  STRING checkpoint_file = FLAGS_model_output.c_str();
104  checkpoint_file += "_checkpoint";
105  STRING checkpoint_bak = checkpoint_file + ".bak";
106  tesseract::LSTMTrainer trainer(
107  nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, FLAGS_model_output.c_str(),
108  checkpoint_file.c_str(), FLAGS_debug_interval,
109  static_cast<int64_t>(FLAGS_max_image_MB) * 1048576);
110  trainer.InitCharSet(FLAGS_traineddata.c_str());
112  // Reading something from an existing model doesn't require many flags,
113  // so do it now and exit.
114  if (FLAGS_stop_training || FLAGS_debug_network) {
115  if (!trainer.TryLoadingCheckpoint(FLAGS_continue_from.c_str(), nullptr)) {
116  tprintf("Failed to read continue from: %s\n",
117  FLAGS_continue_from.c_str());
118  return EXIT_FAILURE;
119  }
120  if (FLAGS_debug_network) {
121  trainer.DebugNetwork();
122  } else {
123  if (FLAGS_convert_to_int) trainer.ConvertToInt();
124  if (!trainer.SaveTraineddata(FLAGS_model_output.c_str())) {
125  tprintf("Failed to write recognition model : %s\n",
126  FLAGS_model_output.c_str());
127  }
128  }
129  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
130  }
132  // Get the list of files to process.
133  if (FLAGS_train_listfile.empty()) {
134  tprintf("Must supply a list of training filenames! --train_listfile\n");
135  return EXIT_FAILURE;
136  }
137  GenericVector<STRING> filenames;
138  if (!tesseract::LoadFileLinesToStrings(FLAGS_train_listfile.c_str(),
139  &filenames)) {
140  tprintf("Failed to load list of training filenames from %s\n",
141  FLAGS_train_listfile.c_str());
142  return EXIT_FAILURE;
143  }
145  // Checkpoints always take priority if they are available.
146  if (trainer.TryLoadingCheckpoint(checkpoint_file.string(), nullptr) ||
147  trainer.TryLoadingCheckpoint(checkpoint_bak.string(), nullptr)) {
148  tprintf("Successfully restored trainer from %s\n",
149  checkpoint_file.string());
150  } else {
151  if (!FLAGS_continue_from.empty()) {
152  // Load a past model file to improve upon.
153  if (!trainer.TryLoadingCheckpoint(FLAGS_continue_from.c_str(),
154  FLAGS_append_index >= 0
155  ? FLAGS_continue_from.c_str()
156  : FLAGS_old_traineddata.c_str())) {
157  tprintf("Failed to continue from: %s\n", FLAGS_continue_from.c_str());
158  return EXIT_FAILURE;
159  }
160  tprintf("Continuing from %s\n", FLAGS_continue_from.c_str());
161  trainer.InitIterations();
162  }
163  if (FLAGS_continue_from.empty() || FLAGS_append_index >= 0) {
164  if (FLAGS_append_index >= 0) {
165  tprintf("Appending a new network to an old one!!");
166  if (FLAGS_continue_from.empty()) {
167  tprintf("Must set --continue_from for appending!\n");
168  return EXIT_FAILURE;
169  }
170  }
171  // We are initializing from scratch.
172  if (!trainer.InitNetwork(FLAGS_net_spec.c_str(), FLAGS_append_index,
173  FLAGS_net_mode, FLAGS_weight_range,
174  FLAGS_learning_rate, FLAGS_momentum,
175  FLAGS_adam_beta)) {
176  tprintf("Failed to create network from spec: %s\n",
177  FLAGS_net_spec.c_str());
178  return EXIT_FAILURE;
179  }
180  trainer.set_perfect_delay(FLAGS_perfect_sample_delay);
181  }
182  }
183  if (!trainer.LoadAllTrainingData(filenames,
184  FLAGS_sequential_training
187  FLAGS_randomly_rotate)) {
188  tprintf("Load of images failed!!\n");
189  return EXIT_FAILURE;
190  }
192  tesseract::LSTMTester tester(static_cast<int64_t>(FLAGS_max_image_MB) *
193  1048576);
194  tesseract::TestCallback tester_callback = nullptr;
195  if (!FLAGS_eval_listfile.empty()) {
196  if (!tester.LoadAllEvalData(FLAGS_eval_listfile.c_str())) {
197  tprintf("Failed to load eval data from: %s\n",
198  FLAGS_eval_listfile.c_str());
199  return EXIT_FAILURE;
200  }
201  tester_callback =
203  }
204  do {
205  // Train a few.
206  int iteration = trainer.training_iteration();
207  for (int target_iteration = iteration + kNumPagesPerBatch;
208  iteration < target_iteration &&
209  (iteration < FLAGS_max_iterations || FLAGS_max_iterations == 0);
210  iteration = trainer.training_iteration()) {
211  trainer.TrainOnLine(&trainer, false);
212  }
213  STRING log_str;
214  trainer.MaintainCheckpoints(tester_callback, &log_str);
215  tprintf("%s\n", log_str.string());
216  } while (trainer.best_error_rate() > FLAGS_target_error_rate &&
217  (trainer.training_iteration() < FLAGS_max_iterations ||
218  FLAGS_max_iterations == 0));
219  delete tester_callback;
220  tprintf("Finished! Error rate = %g\n", trainer.best_error_rate());
221  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
222 } /* main */
const char * string() const
Definition: strngs.cpp:196
void ParseArguments(int *argc, char ***argv)
_ConstTessMemberResultCallback_0_0< false, R, T1 >::base * NewPermanentTessCallback(const T1 *obj, R(T2::*member)() const)
Definition: tesscallback.h:116
const char * c_str() const
Definition: strngs.cpp:207
const int kNumPagesPerBatch
DLLSYM void tprintf(const char *format,...)
Definition: tprintf.cpp:37
STRING RunEvalAsync(int iteration, const double *training_errors, const TessdataManager &model_mgr, int training_stage)
Definition: lstmtester.cpp:52
bool LoadFileLinesToStrings(const STRING &filename, GenericVector< STRING > *lines)
Definition: strngs.h:45


STRING_PARAM_FLAG ( net_spec  ,
""  ,
"Network specification"   


STRING_PARAM_FLAG ( continue_from  ,
""  ,
"Existing model to extend"   


STRING_PARAM_FLAG ( model_output  ,
"lstmtrain"  ,
"Basename for output models"   


STRING_PARAM_FLAG ( train_listfile  ,
""  ,
"File listing training files in lstmf training format."   


STRING_PARAM_FLAG ( eval_listfile  ,
""  ,
"File listing eval files in lstmf training format."   


STRING_PARAM_FLAG ( traineddata  ,
""  ,
"Combined Dawgs/Unicharset/Recoder for language model"   


STRING_PARAM_FLAG ( old_traineddata  ,
""  ,
"When changing the character  set,
this specifies the old" " character set that is to be replaced"   

Variable Documentation

◆ kNumPagesPerBatch

const int kNumPagesPerBatch = 100

Definition at line 68 of file lstmtraining.cpp.