tesseract  4.0.0-1-g2a2b
text2image.cpp File Reference
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "allheaders.h"
#include "boxchar.h"
#include "commandlineflags.h"
#include "commontraining.h"
#include "degradeimage.h"
#include "errcode.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "normstrngs.h"
#include "stringrenderer.h"
#include "tlog.h"
#include "unicharset.h"
#include "util.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  tesseract::SpacingProperties




 STRING_PARAM_FLAG (text, "", "File name of text input to process")
 STRING_PARAM_FLAG (outputbase, "", "Basename for output image/box file")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (degrade_image, true, "Degrade rendered image with speckle noise, dilation/erosion " "and rotation")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (rotate_image, true, "Rotate the image in a random way.")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (exposure, 0, "Exposure level in photocopier")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (resolution, 300, "Pixels per inch")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (xsize, 3600, "Width of output image")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (ysize, 4800, "Height of output image")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (max_pages, 0, "Maximum number of pages to output (0=unlimited)")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (margin, 100, "Margin round edges of image")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (ptsize, 12, "Size of printed text")
 DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG (char_spacing, 0, "Inter-character space in ems")
 DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG (underline_start_prob, 0, "Fraction of words to underline (value in [0,1])")
 DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG (underline_continuation_prob, 0, "Fraction of words to underline (value in [0,1])")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (leading, 12, "Inter-line space (in pixels)")
 STRING_PARAM_FLAG (writing_mode, "horizontal", "Specify one of the following writing" " modes.\ " 'horizontal' :Render regular horizontal text.(default)\" " 'vertical' :Render vertical text. Glyph orientation is" " selected by Pango.\" " 'vertical-upright' :Render vertical text. Glyph " " orientation is set to be upright.")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (box_padding, 0, "Padding around produced bounding boxes")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (strip_unrenderable_words, true, "Remove unrenderable words from source text")
 STRING_PARAM_FLAG (font, "Arial", "Font description name to use")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (ligatures, false, "Rebuild and render ligatures")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (find_fonts, false, "Search for all fonts that can render the text")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (render_per_font, true, "If find_fonts==true, render each font to its own image. " "Image filenames are of the form output_name.font_name.tif")
 DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG (min_coverage, 1.0, "If find_fonts==true, the minimum coverage the font has of " "the characters in the text file to include it, between " "0 and 1.")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (list_available_fonts, false, "List available fonts and quit.")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (render_ngrams, false, "Put each space-separated entity from the" " input file into one bounding box. The ngrams in the input" " file will be randomly permuted before rendering (so that" " there is sufficient variety of characters on each line).")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (output_word_boxes, false, "Output word bounding boxes instead of character boxes. " "This is used for Cube training, and implied by " "--render_ngrams.")
 STRING_PARAM_FLAG (unicharset_file, "", "File with characters in the unicharset. If --render_ngrams" " is true and --unicharset_file is specified, ngrams with" " characters that are not in unicharset will be omitted")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (bidirectional_rotation, false, "Rotate the generated characters both ways.")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (only_extract_font_properties, false, "Assumes that the input file contains a list of ngrams. Renders" " each ngram, extracts spacing properties and records them in" " output_base/[font_name].fontinfo file.")
 BOOL_PARAM_FLAG (output_individual_glyph_images, false, "If true also outputs individual character images")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (glyph_resized_size, 0, "Each glyph is square with this side length in pixels")
 INT_PARAM_FLAG (glyph_num_border_pixels_to_pad, 0, "Final_size=glyph_resized_size+2*glyph_num_border_pixels_to_pad")
int main (int argc, char **argv)


const int kRandomSeed = 0x18273645

Function Documentation

◆ BOOL_PARAM_FLAG() [1/12]

BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( degrade_image  ,
true  ,
"Degrade rendered image with speckle  noise,
dilation/erosion " "and rotation"   

◆ BOOL_PARAM_FLAG() [2/12]

BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( rotate_image  ,
true  ,
"Rotate the image in a random way."   

◆ BOOL_PARAM_FLAG() [3/12]

BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( strip_unrenderable_words  ,
true  ,
"Remove unrenderable words from source text"   

◆ BOOL_PARAM_FLAG() [4/12]

BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( ligatures  ,
false  ,
"Rebuild and render ligatures"   

◆ BOOL_PARAM_FLAG() [5/12]

BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( find_fonts  ,
false  ,
"Search for all fonts that can render the text"   

◆ BOOL_PARAM_FLAG() [6/12]

BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( render_per_font  ,
true  ,
"If  find_fonts = =true,
render each font to its own image. " "Image filenames are of the form output_name.font_name.tif"   

◆ BOOL_PARAM_FLAG() [7/12]

BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( list_available_fonts  ,
false  ,
"List available fonts and quit."   

◆ BOOL_PARAM_FLAG() [8/12]

BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( render_ngrams  ,
false  ,
"Put each space-separated entity from the" " input file into one bounding box. The ngrams in the input" " file will be randomly permuted before rendering (so that" " there is sufficient variety of characters on each line)."   

◆ BOOL_PARAM_FLAG() [9/12]

BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( output_word_boxes  ,
false  ,
"Output word bounding boxes instead of character boxes. " "This is used for Cube  training,
and implied by " "--render_ngrams."   

◆ BOOL_PARAM_FLAG() [10/12]

BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( bidirectional_rotation  ,
false  ,
"Rotate the generated characters both ways."   

◆ BOOL_PARAM_FLAG() [11/12]

BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( only_extract_font_properties  ,
false  ,
"Assumes that the input file contains a list of ngrams. Renders" " each  ngram,
extracts spacing properties and records them in" " output_base/.fontinfo file."  [font_name] 

◆ BOOL_PARAM_FLAG() [12/12]

BOOL_PARAM_FLAG ( output_individual_glyph_images  ,
false  ,
"If true also outputs individual character images"   


DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG ( char_spacing  ,
"Inter-character space in ems"   


DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG ( underline_start_prob  ,
"Fraction of words to underline (value in [0,1])"   


DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG ( underline_continuation_prob  ,
"Fraction of words to underline (value in [0,1])"   


DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG ( min_coverage  ,
1.  0,
"If  find_fonts = =true,
the minimum coverage the font has of " "the characters in the text file to include  it,
between " "0 and 1."   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [1/11]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( exposure  ,
"Exposure level in photocopier"   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [2/11]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( resolution  ,
300  ,
"Pixels per inch"   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [3/11]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( xsize  ,
3600  ,
"Width of output image"   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [4/11]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( ysize  ,
4800  ,
"Height of output image"   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [5/11]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( max_pages  ,
"Maximum number of pages to output (0=unlimited)"   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [6/11]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( margin  ,
100  ,
"Margin round edges of image"   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [7/11]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( ptsize  ,
12  ,
"Size of printed text"   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [8/11]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( leading  ,
12  ,
"Inter-line space (in pixels)"   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [9/11]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( box_padding  ,
"Padding around produced bounding boxes"   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [10/11]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( glyph_resized_size  ,
"Each glyph is square with this side length in pixels"   

◆ INT_PARAM_FLAG() [11/11]

INT_PARAM_FLAG ( glyph_num_border_pixels_to_pad  ,

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 686 of file text2image.cpp.

686  {
687  // Respect enviroment variable. could be:
688  // fc (fontconfig), win32, and coretext
689  // If not set force fontconfig for Mac OS.
690  // See https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/issues/736
691  char* backend;
692  backend = getenv("PANGOCAIRO_BACKEND");
693  if (backend == NULL) {
694  putenv("PANGOCAIRO_BACKEND=fc");
695  } else {
696  printf("Using '%s' as pango cairo backend based on enviroment "
697  "variable.\n", backend);
698  }
699  tesseract::CheckSharedLibraryVersion();
700  if (argc > 1) {
701  if ((strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) ||
702  (strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0)) {
703  FontUtils::PangoFontTypeInfo();
704  }
705  }
706  tesseract::ParseCommandLineFlags(argv[0], &argc, &argv, true);
707  return Main();
708 }
void ParseCommandLineFlags(const char *usage, int *argc, char ***argv, const bool remove_flags)


""  ,
"File name of text input to process"   


STRING_PARAM_FLAG ( outputbase  ,
""  ,
"Basename for output image/box file"   


STRING_PARAM_FLAG ( writing_mode  ,
"horizontal"  ,
"Specify one of the following writing" " modes.\ 'horizontal' :Render regular horizontal text.(default)\ " 'vertical' :Render vertical text. Glyph orientation is" " selected by Pango.\" " 'vertical-upright' :Render vertical text. Glyph " " orientation is set to be upright."   


"Arial"  ,
"Font description name to use"   


STRING_PARAM_FLAG ( unicharset_file  ,
""  ,
"File with characters in the unicharset. If --render_ngrams" " is true and --unicharset_file is  specified,
ngrams with" " characters that are not in unicharset will be omitted"   

Variable Documentation

◆ kRandomSeed

const int kRandomSeed = 0x18273645

Definition at line 58 of file text2image.cpp.