tesseract  4.0.0-1-g2a2b
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // File: language_model.h
3 // Description: Functions that utilize the knowledge about the properties,
4 // structure and statistics of the language to help segmentation
5 // search.
6 // Author: Daria Antonova
7 // Created: Mon Nov 11 11:26:43 PST 2009
8 //
9 // (C) Copyright 2009, Google Inc.
10 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
11 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
12 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
13 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
14 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
16 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
17 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
18 // limitations under the License.
19 //
25 #include <cmath> // for exp
26 #include "associate.h" // for AssociateStats (ptr only), AssociateUtils
27 #include "dawg.h" // for DawgPositionVector
28 #include "dict.h" // for DawgArgs, Dict
29 #include "lm_consistency.h" // for LMConsistencyInfo
30 #include "lm_state.h" // for ViterbiStateEntry, LanguageModelFlagsType
31 #include "params.h" // for DoubleParam, double_VAR_H, IntParam, Boo...
32 #include "params_model.h" // for ParamsModel
33 #include "ratngs.h" // for BLOB_CHOICE (ptr only), BLOB_CHOICE_LIST...
34 #include "stopper.h" // for DANGERR
35 #include "strngs.h" // for STRING
37 class UNICHARSET;
38 class WERD_RES;
40 struct BlamerBundle;
42 template <typename T> class UnicityTable;
44 namespace tesseract {
46 class LMPainPoints;
47 struct FontInfo;
49 // This class that contains the data structures and functions necessary
50 // to represent and use the knowledge about the language.
52  public:
53  // Masks for keeping track of top choices that should not be pruned out.
57  static const LanguageModelFlagsType kDigitFlag = 0x8;
60  // Denominator for normalizing per-letter ngram cost when deriving
61  // penalty adjustments.
62  static const float kMaxAvgNgramCost;
64  LanguageModel(const UnicityTable<FontInfo> *fontinfo_table, Dict *dict);
67  // Fills the given floats array with features extracted from path represented
68  // by the given ViterbiStateEntry. See ccstruct/params_training_featdef.h
69  // for feature information.
70  // Note: the function assumes that features points to an array of size
72  static void ExtractFeaturesFromPath(const ViterbiStateEntry &vse,
73  float features[]);
75  // Updates data structures that are used for the duration of the segmentation
76  // search on the current word;
77  void InitForWord(const WERD_CHOICE *prev_word,
78  bool fixed_pitch, float max_char_wh_ratio,
79  float rating_cert_scale);
81  // Updates language model state of the given BLOB_CHOICE_LIST (from
82  // the ratings matrix) a its parent. Updates pain_points if new
83  // problematic points are found in the segmentation graph.
84  //
85  // At most language_model_viterbi_list_size are kept in each
86  // LanguageModelState.viterbi_state_entries list.
87  // At most language_model_viterbi_list_max_num_prunable of those are prunable
88  // (non-dictionary) paths.
89  // The entries that represent dictionary word paths are kept at the front
90  // of the list.
91  // The list ordered by cost that is computed collectively by several
92  // language model components (currently dawg and ngram components).
93  bool UpdateState(
94  bool just_classified,
95  int curr_col, int curr_row,
96  BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *curr_list,
97  LanguageModelState *parent_node,
98  LMPainPoints *pain_points,
99  WERD_RES *word_res,
100  BestChoiceBundle *best_choice_bundle,
101  BlamerBundle *blamer_bundle);
103  // Returns true if an acceptable best choice was discovered.
105  inline void SetAcceptableChoiceFound(bool val) {
107  }
108  // Returns the reference to ParamsModel.
111  protected:
113  inline float CertaintyScore(float cert) {
115  // cert is assumed to be between 0 and -dict_->certainty_scale.
116  // If you enable language_model_use_sigmoidal_certainty, you
117  // need to adjust language_model_ngram_nonmatch_score as well.
118  cert = -cert / dict_->certainty_scale;
119  return 1.0f / (1.0f + exp(10.0f * cert));
120  } else {
121  return (-1.0f / cert);
122  }
123  }
125  inline float ComputeAdjustment(int num_problems, float penalty) {
126  if (num_problems == 0) return 0.0f;
127  if (num_problems == 1) return penalty;
128  return (penalty + (language_model_penalty_increment *
129  static_cast<float>(num_problems-1)));
130  }
132  // Computes the adjustment to the ratings sum based on the given
133  // consistency_info. The paths with invalid punctuation, inconsistent
134  // case and character type are penalized proportionally to the number
135  // of inconsistencies on the path.
137  const LanguageModelDawgInfo *dawg_info,
138  const LMConsistencyInfo &consistency_info) {
139  if (dawg_info != nullptr) {
140  return ComputeAdjustment(consistency_info.NumInconsistentCase(),
142  (consistency_info.inconsistent_script ?
144  }
145  return (ComputeAdjustment(consistency_info.NumInconsistentPunc(),
147  ComputeAdjustment(consistency_info.NumInconsistentCase(),
149  ComputeAdjustment(consistency_info.NumInconsistentChartype(),
151  ComputeAdjustment(consistency_info.NumInconsistentSpaces(),
153  (consistency_info.inconsistent_script ?
155  (consistency_info.inconsistent_font ?
157  }
159  // Returns an adjusted ratings sum that includes inconsistency penalties,
160  // penalties for non-dictionary paths and paths with dips in ngram
161  // probability.
164  // Finds the first lower and upper case letter and first digit in curr_list.
165  // Uses the first character in the list in place of empty results.
166  // Returns true if both alpha and digits are found.
167  bool GetTopLowerUpperDigit(BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *curr_list,
168  BLOB_CHOICE **first_lower,
169  BLOB_CHOICE **first_upper,
170  BLOB_CHOICE **first_digit) const;
171  // Forces there to be at least one entry in the overall set of the
172  // viterbi_state_entries of each element of parent_node that has the
173  // top_choice_flag set for lower, upper and digit using the same rules as
174  // GetTopLowerUpperDigit, setting the flag on the first found suitable
175  // candidate, whether or not the flag is set on some other parent.
176  // Returns 1 if both alpha and digits are found among the parents, -1 if no
177  // parents are found at all (a legitimate case), and 0 otherwise.
178  int SetTopParentLowerUpperDigit(LanguageModelState *parent_node) const;
180  // Finds the next ViterbiStateEntry with which the given unichar_id can
181  // combine sensibly, taking into account any mixed alnum/mixed case
182  // situation, and whether this combination has been inspected before.
184  bool just_classified, bool mixed_alnum,
185  const BLOB_CHOICE* bc, LanguageModelFlagsType blob_choice_flags,
186  const UNICHARSET& unicharset, WERD_RES* word_res,
187  ViterbiStateEntry_IT* vse_it,
188  LanguageModelFlagsType* top_choice_flags) const;
189  // Helper function that computes the cost of the path composed of the
190  // path in the given parent ViterbiStateEntry and the given BLOB_CHOICE.
191  // If the new path looks good enough, adds a new ViterbiStateEntry to the
192  // list of viterbi entries in the given BLOB_CHOICE and returns true.
194  LanguageModelFlagsType top_choice_flags, float denom, bool word_end,
195  int curr_col, int curr_row, BLOB_CHOICE *b,
196  LanguageModelState *curr_state, ViterbiStateEntry *parent_vse,
197  LMPainPoints *pain_points, WERD_RES *word_res,
198  BestChoiceBundle *best_choice_bundle, BlamerBundle *blamer_bundle);
200  // Determines whether a potential entry is a true top choice and
201  // updates changed accordingly.
202  //
203  // Note: The function assumes that b, top_choice_flags and changed
204  // are not nullptr.
206  const ViterbiStateEntry *parent_vse,
207  LanguageModelState *lms);
209  // Calls dict_->LetterIsOk() with DawgArgs initialized from parent_vse and
210  // unichar from b.unichar_id(). Constructs and returns LanguageModelDawgInfo
211  // with updated active dawgs, constraints and permuter.
212  //
213  // Note: the caller is responsible for deleting the returned pointer.
215  int curr_col, int curr_row,
216  const BLOB_CHOICE &b,
217  const ViterbiStateEntry *parent_vse);
219  // Computes p(unichar | parent context) and records it in ngram_cost.
220  // If b.unichar_id() is an unlikely continuation of the parent context
221  // sets found_small_prob to true and returns nullptr.
222  // Otherwise creates a new LanguageModelNgramInfo entry containing the
223  // updated context (that includes b.unichar_id() at the end) and returns it.
224  //
225  // Note: the caller is responsible for deleting the returned pointer.
227  const char *unichar, float certainty, float denom,
228  int curr_col, int curr_row, float outline_length,
229  const ViterbiStateEntry *parent_vse);
231  // Computes -(log(prob(classifier)) + log(prob(ngram model)))
232  // for the given unichar in the given context. If there are multiple
233  // unichars at one position - takes the average of their probabilities.
234  // UNICHAR::utf8_step() is used to separate out individual UTF8 characters,
235  // since probability_in_context() can only handle one at a time (while
236  // unicharset might contain ngrams and glyphs composed from multiple UTF8
237  // characters).
238  float ComputeNgramCost(const char *unichar, float certainty, float denom,
239  const char *context, int *unichar_step_len,
240  bool *found_small_prob, float *ngram_prob);
242  // Computes the normalization factors for the classifier confidences
243  // (used by ComputeNgramCost()).
244  float ComputeDenom(BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *curr_list);
246  // Fills the given consistenty_info based on parent_vse.consistency_info
247  // and on the consistency of the given unichar_id with parent_vse.
248  void FillConsistencyInfo(
249  int curr_col, bool word_end, BLOB_CHOICE *b,
250  ViterbiStateEntry *parent_vse,
251  WERD_RES *word_res,
252  LMConsistencyInfo *consistency_info);
254  // Constructs WERD_CHOICE by recording unichar_ids of the BLOB_CHOICEs
255  // on the path represented by the given BLOB_CHOICE and language model
256  // state entries (lmse, dse). The path is re-constructed by following
257  // the parent pointers in the the lang model state entries). If the
258  // constructed WERD_CHOICE is better than the best/raw choice recorded
259  // in the best_choice_bundle, this function updates the corresponding
260  // fields and sets best_choice_bunldle->updated to true.
262  LMPainPoints *pain_points,
263  WERD_RES *word_res,
264  BestChoiceBundle *best_choice_bundle,
265  BlamerBundle *blamer_bundle);
267  // Constructs a WERD_CHOICE by tracing parent pointers starting with
268  // the given LanguageModelStateEntry. Returns the constructed word.
269  // Updates best_char_choices, certainties and state if they are not
270  // nullptr (best_char_choices and certainties are assumed to have the
271  // length equal to lmse->length).
272  // The caller is responsible for freeing memory associated with the
273  // returned WERD_CHOICE.
275  WERD_RES *word_res,
276  DANGERR *fixpt,
277  BlamerBundle *blamer_bundle,
278  bool *truth_path);
280  // Wrapper around AssociateUtils::ComputeStats().
281  inline void ComputeAssociateStats(int col, int row,
282  float max_char_wh_ratio,
283  ViterbiStateEntry *parent_vse,
284  WERD_RES *word_res,
285  AssociateStats *associate_stats) {
287  col, row,
288  (parent_vse != nullptr) ? &(parent_vse->associate_stats) : nullptr,
289  (parent_vse != nullptr) ? parent_vse->length : 0,
290  fixed_pitch_, max_char_wh_ratio,
291  word_res, language_model_debug_level > 2, associate_stats);
292  }
294  // Returns true if the path with such top_choice_flags and dawg_info
295  // could be pruned out (i.e. is neither a system/user/frequent dictionary
296  // nor a top choice path).
297  // In non-space delimited languages all paths can be "somewhat" dictionary
298  // words. In such languages we can not do dictionary-driven path pruning,
299  // so paths with non-empty dawg_info are considered prunable.
300  inline bool PrunablePath(const ViterbiStateEntry &vse) {
301  if (vse.top_choice_flags) return false;
302  if (vse.dawg_info != nullptr &&
305  vse.dawg_info->permuter == FREQ_DAWG_PERM)) return false;
306  return true;
307  }
309  // Returns true if the given ViterbiStateEntry represents an acceptable path.
310  inline bool AcceptablePath(const ViterbiStateEntry &vse) {
311  return (vse.dawg_info != nullptr || vse.Consistent() ||
312  (vse.ngram_info != nullptr && !vse.ngram_info->pruned));
313  }
315  public:
316  // Parameters.
317  INT_VAR_H(language_model_debug_level, 0, "Language model debug level");
319  "Turn on/off the use of character ngram model");
321  "Maximum order of the character ngram model");
323  "Maximum number of prunable (those for which PrunablePath() is"
324  " true) entries in each viterbi list recorded in BLOB_CHOICEs");
326  "Maximum size of viterbi lists recorded in BLOB_CHOICEs");
328  "To avoid overly small denominators use this as the floor"
329  " of the probability returned by the ngram model");
331  "Average classifier score of a non-matching unichar");
333  "Use only the first UTF8 step of the given string"
334  " when computing log probabilities");
336  "Strength of the character ngram model relative to the"
337  " character classifier ");
339  "Factor to bring log-probs into the same range as ratings"
340  " when multiplied by outline length ");
342  "Words are delimited by space");
344  "Minimum length of compound words");
345  // Penalties used for adjusting path costs and final word rating.
347  "Penalty for words not in the frequent word dictionary");
349  "Penalty for non-dictionary words");
351  "Penalty for inconsistent punctuation");
353  "Penalty for inconsistent case");
355  "Penalty for inconsistent script");
357  "Penalty for inconsistent character type");
359  "Penalty for inconsistent font");
361  "Penalty for inconsistent spacing");
362  double_VAR_H(language_model_penalty_increment, 0.01, "Penalty increment");
363  INT_VAR_H(wordrec_display_segmentations, 0, "Display Segmentations");
365  "Use sigmoidal score for certainty");
368  protected:
369  // Member Variables.
371  // Temporary DawgArgs struct that is re-used across different words to
372  // avoid dynamic memory re-allocation (should be cleared before each use).
374  // Scaling for recovering blob outline length from rating and certainty.
377  // The following variables are set at construction time.
379  // Pointer to fontinfo table (not owned by LanguageModel).
382  // Pointer to Dict class, that is used for querying the dictionaries
383  // (the pointer is not owned by LanguageModel).
386  // TODO(daria): the following variables should become LanguageModel params
387  // when the old code in bestfirst.cpp and heuristic.cpp is deprecated.
388  //
389  // Set to true if we are dealing with fixed pitch text
390  // (set to assume_fixed_pitch_char_segment).
392  // Max char width-to-height ratio allowed
393  // (set to segsearch_max_char_wh_ratio).
396  // The following variables are initialized with InitForWord().
398  // String representation of the classification of the previous word
399  // (since this is only used by the character ngram model component,
400  // only the last language_model_ngram_order of the word are stored).
403  // Active dawg vector.
406  // Set to true if acceptable choice was discovered.
407  // Note: it would be nice to use this to terminate the search once an
408  // acceptable choices is found. However we do not do that and once an
409  // acceptable choice is found we finish looking for alternative choices
410  // in the current segmentation graph and then exit the search (no more
411  // classifications are done after an acceptable choice is found).
412  // This is needed in order to let the search find the words very close to
413  // the best choice in rating (e.g. what/What, Cat/cat, etc) and log these
414  // choices. This way the stopper will know that the best choice is not
415  // ambiguous (i.e. there are best choices in the best choice list that have
416  // ratings close to the very best one) and will be less likely to mis-adapt.
418  // Set to true if a choice representing correct segmentation was explored.
421  // Params models containing weights for for computing ViterbiStateEntry costs.
423 };
425 } // namespace tesseract
void UpdateBestChoice(ViterbiStateEntry *vse, LMPainPoints *pain_points, WERD_RES *word_res, BestChoiceBundle *best_choice_bundle, BlamerBundle *blamer_bundle)
static void ComputeStats(int col, int row, const AssociateStats *parent_stats, int parent_path_length, bool fixed_pitch, float max_char_wh_ratio, WERD_RES *word_res, bool debug, AssociateStats *stats)
Definition: associate.cpp:34
#define INT_VAR_H(name, val, comment)
Definition: params.h:264
void FillConsistencyInfo(int curr_col, bool word_end, BLOB_CHOICE *b, ViterbiStateEntry *parent_vse, WERD_RES *word_res, LMConsistencyInfo *consistency_info)
float CertaintyScore(float cert)
int language_model_viterbi_list_max_num_prunable
AssociateStats associate_stats
Definition: lm_state.h:172
LanguageModelDawgInfo * GenerateDawgInfo(bool word_end, int curr_col, int curr_row, const BLOB_CHOICE &b, const ViterbiStateEntry *parent_vse)
bool language_model_ngram_space_delimited_language
double certainty_scale
Definition: dict.h:611
LanguageModelNgramInfo * GenerateNgramInfo(const char *unichar, float certainty, float denom, int curr_col, int curr_row, float outline_length, const ViterbiStateEntry *parent_vse)
#define BOOL_VAR_H(name, val, comment)
Definition: params.h:267
static const LanguageModelFlagsType kXhtConsistentFlag
#define double_VAR_H(name, val, comment)
Definition: params.h:273
int SetTopParentLowerUpperDigit(LanguageModelState *parent_node) const
Struct to store information maintained by various language model components.
Definition: lm_state.h:195
void InitForWord(const WERD_CHOICE *prev_word, bool fixed_pitch, float max_char_wh_ratio, float rating_cert_scale)
void ComputeAssociateStats(int col, int row, float max_char_wh_ratio, ViterbiStateEntry *parent_vse, WERD_RES *word_res, AssociateStats *associate_stats)
static void ExtractFeaturesFromPath(const ViterbiStateEntry &vse, float features[])
bool AddViterbiStateEntry(LanguageModelFlagsType top_choice_flags, float denom, bool word_end, int curr_col, int curr_row, BLOB_CHOICE *b, LanguageModelState *curr_state, ViterbiStateEntry *parent_vse, LMPainPoints *pain_points, WERD_RES *word_res, BestChoiceBundle *best_choice_bundle, BlamerBundle *blamer_bundle)
static const LanguageModelFlagsType kSmallestRatingFlag
static const LanguageModelFlagsType kDigitFlag
LanguageModelNgramInfo * ngram_info
Definition: lm_state.h:184
double language_model_penalty_non_freq_dict_word
float ComputeAdjustedPathCost(ViterbiStateEntry *vse)
unsigned char LanguageModelFlagsType
Used for expressing various language model flags.
Definition: lm_state.h:39
float ComputeNgramCost(const char *unichar, float certainty, float denom, const char *context, int *unichar_step_len, bool *found_small_prob, float *ngram_prob)
void SetAcceptableChoiceFound(bool val)
static const LanguageModelFlagsType kUpperCaseFlag
float ComputeAdjustment(int num_problems, float penalty)
float ComputeConsistencyAdjustment(const LanguageModelDawgInfo *dawg_info, const LMConsistencyInfo &consistency_info)
DawgPositionVector beginning_active_dawgs_
bool GetTopLowerUpperDigit(BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *curr_list, BLOB_CHOICE **first_lower, BLOB_CHOICE **first_upper, BLOB_CHOICE **first_digit) const
float ComputeDenom(BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *curr_list)
bool AcceptablePath(const ViterbiStateEntry &vse)
void GenerateTopChoiceInfo(ViterbiStateEntry *new_vse, const ViterbiStateEntry *parent_vse, LanguageModelState *lms)
Bundle together all the things pertaining to the best choice/state.
Definition: lm_state.h:217
bool PrunablePath(const ViterbiStateEntry &vse)
Definition: strngs.h:45
bool language_model_ngram_use_only_first_uft8_step
ViterbiStateEntry * GetNextParentVSE(bool just_classified, bool mixed_alnum, const BLOB_CHOICE *bc, LanguageModelFlagsType blob_choice_flags, const UNICHARSET &unicharset, WERD_RES *word_res, ViterbiStateEntry_IT *vse_it, LanguageModelFlagsType *top_choice_flags) const
ParamsModel & getParamsModel()
LanguageModelFlagsType top_choice_flags
Definition: lm_state.h:176
const UnicityTable< FontInfo > * fontinfo_table_
DawgPositionVector very_beginning_active_dawgs_
double language_model_penalty_non_dict_word
static const LanguageModelFlagsType kLowerCaseFlag
double language_model_ngram_nonmatch_score
bool UpdateState(bool just_classified, int curr_col, int curr_row, BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *curr_list, LanguageModelState *parent_node, LMPainPoints *pain_points, WERD_RES *word_res, BestChoiceBundle *best_choice_bundle, BlamerBundle *blamer_bundle)
WERD_CHOICE * ConstructWord(ViterbiStateEntry *vse, WERD_RES *word_res, DANGERR *fixpt, BlamerBundle *blamer_bundle, bool *truth_path)
LanguageModel(const UnicityTable< FontInfo > *fontinfo_table, Dict *dict)
static const float kMaxAvgNgramCost
LanguageModelDawgInfo * dawg_info
Definition: lm_state.h:180