tesseract  5.0.0-alpha-619-ge9db
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**********************************************************************
2  * File: text2image.cpp
3  * Description: Program to generate OCR training pages. Given a text file it
4  * outputs an image with a given font and degradation.
5  *
6  * Note that since the results depend on the fonts available on
7  * your system, running the code on a different machine, or
8  * different OS, or even at a different time on the same machine,
9  * may produce different fonts even if --font is given explicitly.
10  * To see names of available fonts, use --list_available_fonts with
11  * the appropriate --fonts_dir path.
12  * Specifying --use_only_legacy_fonts will restrict the available
13  * fonts to those listed in legacy_fonts.h
14  * Authors: Ranjith Unnikrishnan, Ray Smith
15  *
16  * (C) Copyright 2013, Google Inc.
17  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
18  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
19  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
20  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
21  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
22  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
23  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
24  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
25  * limitations under the License.
26  *
27  **********************************************************************/
29 #include <cstdlib>
30 #include <cstring>
31 #include <algorithm>
32 #include <iostream>
33 #include <map>
34 #include <random>
35 #include <string>
36 #include <utility>
37 #include <vector>
39 #include "allheaders.h" // from leptonica
40 #include "boxchar.h"
41 #include "commandlineflags.h"
42 #include "commontraining.h" // CheckSharedLibraryVersion
43 #include "degradeimage.h"
44 #include "errcode.h"
45 #include "fileio.h"
46 #include <tesseract/helpers.h>
47 #include "normstrngs.h"
48 #include "stringrenderer.h"
49 #include "tlog.h"
50 #include "unicharset.h"
51 #include "util.h"
52 #ifdef _MSC_VER
53 # define putenv(s) _putenv(s)
54 #endif
56 // A number with which to initialize the random number generator.
57 const int kRandomSeed = 0x18273645;
59 // The text input file.
60 static STRING_PARAM_FLAG(text, "", "File name of text input to process");
62 // The text output file.
63 static STRING_PARAM_FLAG(outputbase, "", "Basename for output image/box file");
65 // Degrade the rendered image to mimic scanner quality.
66 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(degrade_image, true,
67  "Degrade rendered image with speckle noise, dilation/erosion "
68  "and rotation");
70 // Rotate the rendered image to have more realistic glyph borders
71 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(rotate_image, true, "Rotate the image in a random way.");
73 // Degradation to apply to the image.
74 static INT_PARAM_FLAG(exposure, 0, "Exposure level in photocopier");
76 // Distort the rendered image by various means according to the bool flags.
77 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(distort_image, false,
78  "Degrade rendered image with noise, blur, invert.");
80 // Distortion to apply to the image.
81 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(invert, true, "Invert the image");
83 // Distortion to apply to the image.
84 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(white_noise, true, "Add Gaussian Noise");
86 // Distortion to apply to the image.
87 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(smooth_noise, true, "Smoothen Noise");
89 // Distortion to apply to the image.
90 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(blur, true, "Blur the image");
92 #if 0
94 // Distortion to apply to the image.
95 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(perspective, false, "Generate Perspective Distortion");
97 // Distortion to apply to the image.
98 static INT_PARAM_FLAG(box_reduction, 0, "Integer reduction factor box_scale");
100 #endif
102 // Output image resolution.
103 static INT_PARAM_FLAG(resolution, 300, "Pixels per inch");
105 // Width of output image (in pixels).
106 static INT_PARAM_FLAG(xsize, 3600, "Width of output image");
108 // Max height of output image (in pixels).
109 static INT_PARAM_FLAG(ysize, 4800, "Height of output image");
111 // Max number of pages to produce.
112 static INT_PARAM_FLAG(max_pages, 0, "Maximum number of pages to output (0=unlimited)");
114 // Margin around text (in pixels).
115 static INT_PARAM_FLAG(margin, 100, "Margin round edges of image");
117 // Size of text (in points).
118 static INT_PARAM_FLAG(ptsize, 12, "Size of printed text");
120 // Inter-character space (in ems).
121 static DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG(char_spacing, 0, "Inter-character space in ems");
123 // Sets the probability (value in [0, 1]) of starting to render a word with an
124 // underline. Words are assumed to be space-delimited.
125 static DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG(underline_start_prob, 0,
126  "Fraction of words to underline (value in [0,1])");
127 // Set the probability (value in [0, 1]) of continuing a started underline to
128 // the next word.
129 static DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG(underline_continuation_prob, 0,
130  "Fraction of words to underline (value in [0,1])");
132 // Inter-line space (in pixels).
133 static INT_PARAM_FLAG(leading, 12, "Inter-line space (in pixels)");
135 // Layout and glyph orientation on rendering.
136 static STRING_PARAM_FLAG(writing_mode, "horizontal",
137  "Specify one of the following writing"
138  " modes.\n"
139  "'horizontal' : Render regular horizontal text. (default)\n"
140  "'vertical' : Render vertical text. Glyph orientation is"
141  " selected by Pango.\n"
142  "'vertical-upright' : Render vertical text. Glyph "
143  " orientation is set to be upright.");
145 static INT_PARAM_FLAG(box_padding, 0, "Padding around produced bounding boxes");
147 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(strip_unrenderable_words, true,
148  "Remove unrenderable words from source text");
150 // Font name.
151 static STRING_PARAM_FLAG(font, "Arial", "Font description name to use");
153 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(ligatures, false,
154  "Rebuild and render ligatures");
156 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(find_fonts, false,
157  "Search for all fonts that can render the text");
158 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(render_per_font, true,
159  "If find_fonts==true, render each font to its own image. "
160  "Image filenames are of the form output_name.font_name.tif");
161 static DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG(min_coverage, 1.0,
162  "If find_fonts==true, the minimum coverage the font has of "
163  "the characters in the text file to include it, between "
164  "0 and 1.");
166 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(list_available_fonts, false, "List available fonts and quit.");
168 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(render_ngrams, false, "Put each space-separated entity from the"
169  " input file into one bounding box. The ngrams in the input"
170  " file will be randomly permuted before rendering (so that"
171  " there is sufficient variety of characters on each line).");
173 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(output_word_boxes, false,
174  "Output word bounding boxes instead of character boxes. "
175  "This is used for Cube training, and implied by "
176  "--render_ngrams.");
178 static STRING_PARAM_FLAG(unicharset_file, "",
179  "File with characters in the unicharset. If --render_ngrams"
180  " is true and --unicharset_file is specified, ngrams with"
181  " characters that are not in unicharset will be omitted");
183 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(bidirectional_rotation, false,
184  "Rotate the generated characters both ways.");
186 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(only_extract_font_properties, false,
187  "Assumes that the input file contains a list of ngrams. Renders"
188  " each ngram, extracts spacing properties and records them in"
189  " output_base/[font_name].fontinfo file.");
191 // Use these flags to output zero-padded, square individual character images
192 static BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(output_individual_glyph_images, false,
193  "If true also outputs individual character images");
194 static INT_PARAM_FLAG(glyph_resized_size, 0,
195  "Each glyph is square with this side length in pixels");
196 static INT_PARAM_FLAG(glyph_num_border_pixels_to_pad, 0,
197  "Final_size=glyph_resized_size+2*glyph_num_border_pixels_to_pad");
199 namespace tesseract {
203  SpacingProperties(int b, int a) : x_gap_before(b), x_gap_after(a) {}
204  // These values are obtained from FT_Glyph_Metrics struct
205  // used by the FreeType font engine.
206  int x_gap_before; // horizontal x bearing
207  int x_gap_after; // horizontal advance - x_gap_before - width
208  std::map<std::string, int> kerned_x_gaps;
209 };
211 static bool IsWhitespaceBox(const BoxChar* boxchar) {
212  return (boxchar->box() == nullptr ||
213  SpanUTF8Whitespace(boxchar->ch().c_str()));
214 }
216 static std::string StringReplace(const std::string& in,
217  const std::string& oldsub, const std::string& newsub) {
218  std::string out;
219  size_t start_pos = 0, pos;
220  while ((pos = in.find(oldsub, start_pos)) != std::string::npos) {
221  out.append(in.data() + start_pos, pos - start_pos);
222  out.append(newsub.data(), newsub.length());
223  start_pos = pos + oldsub.length();
224  }
225  out.append(in.data() + start_pos, in.length() - start_pos);
226  return out;
227 }
229 // Assumes that each word (whitespace-separated entity) in text is a bigram.
230 // Renders the bigrams and calls FontInfo::GetSpacingProperties() to
231 // obtain spacing information. Produces the output .fontinfo file with a line
232 // per unichar of the form:
233 // unichar space_before space_after kerned1 kerned_space1 kerned2 ...
234 // Fox example, if unichar "A" has spacing of 0 pixels before and -1 pixels
235 // after, is kerned with "V" resulting in spacing of "AV" to be -7 and kerned
236 // with "T", such that "AT" has spacing of -5, the entry/line for unichar "A"
237 // in .fontinfo file will be:
238 // A 0 -1 T -5 V -7
239 static void ExtractFontProperties(const std::string &utf8_text,
240  StringRenderer *render,
241  const std::string &output_base) {
242  std::map<std::string, SpacingProperties> spacing_map;
243  std::map<std::string, SpacingProperties>::iterator spacing_map_it0;
244  std::map<std::string, SpacingProperties>::iterator spacing_map_it1;
245  int x_bearing, x_advance;
246  int len = utf8_text.length();
247  int offset = 0;
248  const char* text = utf8_text.c_str();
249  while (offset < len) {
250  offset +=
251  render->RenderToImage(text + offset, strlen(text + offset), nullptr);
252  const std::vector<BoxChar*> &boxes = render->GetBoxes();
254  // If the page break split a bigram, correct the offset so we try the bigram
255  // on the next iteration.
256  if (boxes.size() > 2 && !IsWhitespaceBox(boxes[boxes.size() - 1]) &&
257  IsWhitespaceBox(boxes[boxes.size() - 2])) {
258  if (boxes.size() > 3) {
259  tprintf("WARNING: Adjusting to bad page break after '%s%s'\n",
260  boxes[boxes.size() - 4]->ch().c_str(),
261  boxes[boxes.size() - 3]->ch().c_str());
262  }
263  offset -= boxes[boxes.size() - 1]->ch().size();
264  }
266  for (size_t b = 0; b < boxes.size(); b += 2) {
267  while (b < boxes.size() && IsWhitespaceBox(boxes[b])) ++b;
268  if (b + 1 >= boxes.size()) break;
269  const std::string &ch0 = boxes[b]->ch();
270  // We encountered a ligature. This happens in at least two scenarios:
271  // One is when the rendered bigram forms a grapheme cluster (eg. the
272  // second character in the bigram is a combining vowel), in which case we
273  // correctly output only one bounding box.
274  // A second far less frequent case is when caused some fonts like 'DejaVu
275  // Sans Ultra-Light' force Pango to render a ligatured character even if
276  // the input consists of the separated characters. NOTE(ranjith): As per
277  // behdad@ this is not currently controllable at the level of the Pango
278  // API.
279  // The most frequent of all is a single character "word" made by the CJK
280  // segmenter.
281  // Safeguard against these cases here by just skipping the bigram.
282  if (IsWhitespaceBox(boxes[b+1])) {
283  continue;
284  }
285  int xgap = (boxes[b+1]->box()->x -
286  (boxes[b]->box()->x + boxes[b]->box()->w));
287  spacing_map_it0 = spacing_map.find(ch0);
288  int ok_count = 0;
289  if (spacing_map_it0 == spacing_map.end() &&
290  render->font().GetSpacingProperties(ch0, &x_bearing, &x_advance)) {
291  spacing_map[ch0] = SpacingProperties(
292  x_bearing, x_advance - x_bearing - boxes[b]->box()->w);
293  spacing_map_it0 = spacing_map.find(ch0);
294  ++ok_count;
295  }
296  const std::string &ch1 = boxes[b+1]->ch();
297  tlog(3, "%s%s\n", ch0.c_str(), ch1.c_str());
298  spacing_map_it1 = spacing_map.find(ch1);
299  if (spacing_map_it1 == spacing_map.end() &&
300  render->font().GetSpacingProperties(ch1, &x_bearing, &x_advance)) {
301  spacing_map[ch1] = SpacingProperties(
302  x_bearing, x_advance - x_bearing - boxes[b+1]->box()->w);
303  spacing_map_it1 = spacing_map.find(ch1);
304  ++ok_count;
305  }
306  if (ok_count == 2 && xgap != (spacing_map_it0->second.x_gap_after +
307  spacing_map_it1->second.x_gap_before)) {
308  spacing_map_it0->second.kerned_x_gaps[ch1] = xgap;
309  }
310  }
311  render->ClearBoxes();
312  }
313  std::string output_string;
314  const int kBufSize = 1024;
315  char buf[kBufSize];
316  snprintf(buf, kBufSize, "%d\n", static_cast<int>(spacing_map.size()));
317  output_string.append(buf);
318  std::map<std::string, SpacingProperties>::const_iterator spacing_map_it;
319  for (spacing_map_it = spacing_map.begin();
320  spacing_map_it != spacing_map.end(); ++spacing_map_it) {
321  snprintf(buf, kBufSize,
322  "%s %d %d %d", spacing_map_it->first.c_str(),
323  spacing_map_it->second.x_gap_before,
324  spacing_map_it->second.x_gap_after,
325  static_cast<int>(spacing_map_it->second.kerned_x_gaps.size()));
326  output_string.append(buf);
327  std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator kern_it;
328  for (kern_it = spacing_map_it->second.kerned_x_gaps.begin();
329  kern_it != spacing_map_it->second.kerned_x_gaps.end(); ++kern_it) {
330  snprintf(buf, kBufSize,
331  " %s %d", kern_it->first.c_str(), kern_it->second);
332  output_string.append(buf);
333  }
334  output_string.append("\n");
335  }
336  File::WriteStringToFileOrDie(output_string, output_base + ".fontinfo");
337 }
339 static bool MakeIndividualGlyphs(Pix* pix, const std::vector<BoxChar*>& vbox,
340  const int input_tiff_page) {
341  // If checks fail, return false without exiting text2image
342  if (!pix) {
343  tprintf("ERROR: MakeIndividualGlyphs(): Input Pix* is nullptr\n");
344  return false;
345  } else if (FLAGS_glyph_resized_size <= 0) {
346  tprintf("ERROR: --glyph_resized_size must be positive\n");
347  return false;
348  } else if (FLAGS_glyph_num_border_pixels_to_pad < 0) {
349  tprintf("ERROR: --glyph_num_border_pixels_to_pad must be 0 or positive\n");
350  return false;
351  }
353  const int n_boxes = vbox.size();
354  int n_boxes_saved = 0;
355  int current_tiff_page = 0;
356  int y_previous = 0;
357  static int glyph_count = 0;
358  for (int i = 0; i < n_boxes; i++) {
359  // Get one bounding box
360  Box* b = vbox[i]->mutable_box();
361  if (!b) continue;
362  const int x = b->x;
363  const int y = b->y;
364  const int w = b->w;
365  const int h = b->h;
366  // Check present tiff page (for multipage tiff)
367  if (y < y_previous-pixGetHeight(pix)/10) {
368  tprintf("ERROR: Wrap-around encountered, at i=%d\n", i);
369  current_tiff_page++;
370  }
371  if (current_tiff_page < input_tiff_page) continue;
372  else if (current_tiff_page > input_tiff_page) break;
373  // Check box validity
374  if (x < 0 || y < 0 ||
375  (x+w-1) >= pixGetWidth(pix) ||
376  (y+h-1) >= pixGetHeight(pix)) {
377  tprintf("ERROR: MakeIndividualGlyphs(): Index out of range, at i=%d"
378  " (x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d\n)", i, x, y, w, h);
379  continue;
380  } else if (w < FLAGS_glyph_num_border_pixels_to_pad &&
381  h < FLAGS_glyph_num_border_pixels_to_pad) {
382  tprintf("ERROR: Input image too small to be a character, at i=%d\n", i);
383  continue;
384  }
385  // Crop the boxed character
386  Pix* pix_glyph = pixClipRectangle(pix, b, nullptr);
387  if (!pix_glyph) {
388  tprintf("ERROR: MakeIndividualGlyphs(): Failed to clip, at i=%d\n", i);
389  continue;
390  }
391  // Resize to square
392  Pix* pix_glyph_sq = pixScaleToSize(pix_glyph,
393  FLAGS_glyph_resized_size,
394  FLAGS_glyph_resized_size);
395  if (!pix_glyph_sq) {
396  tprintf("ERROR: MakeIndividualGlyphs(): Failed to resize, at i=%d\n", i);
397  continue;
398  }
399  // Zero-pad
400  Pix* pix_glyph_sq_pad = pixAddBorder(pix_glyph_sq,
401  FLAGS_glyph_num_border_pixels_to_pad,
402  0);
403  if (!pix_glyph_sq_pad) {
404  tprintf("ERROR: MakeIndividualGlyphs(): Failed to zero-pad, at i=%d\n",
405  i);
406  continue;
407  }
408  // Write out
409  Pix* pix_glyph_sq_pad_8 = pixConvertTo8(pix_glyph_sq_pad, false);
410  char filename[1024];
411  snprintf(filename, 1024, "%s_%d.jpg", FLAGS_outputbase.c_str(),
412  glyph_count++);
413  if (pixWriteJpeg(filename, pix_glyph_sq_pad_8, 100, 0)) {
414  tprintf("ERROR: MakeIndividualGlyphs(): Failed to write JPEG to %s,"
415  " at i=%d\n", filename, i);
416  continue;
417  }
419  pixDestroy(&pix_glyph);
420  pixDestroy(&pix_glyph_sq);
421  pixDestroy(&pix_glyph_sq_pad);
422  pixDestroy(&pix_glyph_sq_pad_8);
423  n_boxes_saved++;
424  y_previous = y;
425  }
426  if (n_boxes_saved == 0) {
427  return false;
428  } else {
429  tprintf("Total number of characters saved = %d\n", n_boxes_saved);
430  return true;
431  }
432 }
433 } // namespace tesseract
436 using tesseract::ExtractFontProperties;
437 using tesseract::File;
443 static int Main() {
444  if (FLAGS_list_available_fonts) {
445  const std::vector<std::string>& all_fonts = FontUtils::ListAvailableFonts();
446  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < all_fonts.size(); ++i) {
447  // Remove trailing comma: pango-font-description-to-string adds a comma
448  // to some fonts.
449  // See https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/issues/408
450  std::string font_name(all_fonts[i].c_str());
451  if (font_name.back() == ',')
452  font_name.pop_back();
453  printf("%3u: %s\n", i, font_name.c_str());
454  ASSERT_HOST_MSG(FontUtils::IsAvailableFont(all_fonts[i].c_str()),
455  "Font %s is unrecognized.\n", all_fonts[i].c_str());
456  }
457  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
458  }
460  // Check validity of input flags.
461  if (FLAGS_text.empty()) {
462  tprintf("'--text' option is missing!\n");
463  exit(1);
464  }
465  if (FLAGS_outputbase.empty()) {
466  tprintf("'--outputbase' option is missing!\n");
467  exit(1);
468  }
469  if (!FLAGS_unicharset_file.empty() && FLAGS_render_ngrams) {
470  tprintf("Use '--unicharset_file' only if '--render_ngrams' is set.\n");
471  exit(1);
472  }
474  std::string font_name = FLAGS_font.c_str();
475  if (!FLAGS_find_fonts && !FontUtils::IsAvailableFont(font_name.c_str())) {
476  font_name += ',';
477  std::string pango_name;
478  if (!FontUtils::IsAvailableFont(font_name.c_str(), &pango_name)) {
479  tprintf("Could not find font named '%s'.\n", FLAGS_font.c_str());
480  if (!pango_name.empty()) {
481  tprintf("Pango suggested font '%s'.\n", pango_name.c_str());
482  }
483  tprintf("Please correct --font arg.\n");
484  exit(1);
485  }
486  }
488  if (FLAGS_render_ngrams)
489  FLAGS_output_word_boxes = true;
491  char font_desc_name[1024];
492  snprintf(font_desc_name, 1024, "%s %d", font_name.c_str(),
493  static_cast<int>(FLAGS_ptsize));
495  StringRenderer render(font_desc_name, FLAGS_xsize, FLAGS_ysize);
496  render.set_add_ligatures(FLAGS_ligatures);
497  render.set_leading(FLAGS_leading);
498  render.set_resolution(FLAGS_resolution);
499  render.set_char_spacing(FLAGS_char_spacing * FLAGS_ptsize);
500  render.set_h_margin(FLAGS_margin);
501  render.set_v_margin(FLAGS_margin);
502  render.set_output_word_boxes(FLAGS_output_word_boxes);
503  render.set_box_padding(FLAGS_box_padding);
504  render.set_strip_unrenderable_words(FLAGS_strip_unrenderable_words);
505  render.set_underline_start_prob(FLAGS_underline_start_prob);
506  render.set_underline_continuation_prob(FLAGS_underline_continuation_prob);
508  // Set text rendering orientation and their forms.
509  if (FLAGS_writing_mode == "horizontal") {
510  // Render regular horizontal text (default).
511  render.set_vertical_text(false);
512  render.set_gravity_hint_strong(false);
513  render.set_render_fullwidth_latin(false);
514  } else if (FLAGS_writing_mode == "vertical") {
515  // Render vertical text. Glyph orientation is selected by Pango.
516  render.set_vertical_text(true);
517  render.set_gravity_hint_strong(false);
518  render.set_render_fullwidth_latin(false);
519  } else if (FLAGS_writing_mode == "vertical-upright") {
520  // Render vertical text. Glyph orientation is set to be upright.
521  // Also Basic Latin characters are converted to their fullwidth forms
522  // on rendering, since fullwidth Latin characters are well designed to fit
523  // vertical text lines, while .box files store halfwidth Basic Latin
524  // unichars.
525  render.set_vertical_text(true);
526  render.set_gravity_hint_strong(true);
527  render.set_render_fullwidth_latin(true);
528  } else {
529  tprintf("Invalid writing mode: %s\n", FLAGS_writing_mode.c_str());
530  exit(1);
531  }
533  std::string src_utf8;
534  // This c_str is NOT redundant!
535  if (!File::ReadFileToString(FLAGS_text.c_str(), &src_utf8)) {
536  tprintf("Failed to read file: %s\n", FLAGS_text.c_str());
537  exit(1);
538  }
540  // Remove the unicode mark if present.
541  if (strncmp(src_utf8.c_str(), "\xef\xbb\xbf", 3) == 0) {
542  src_utf8.erase(0, 3);
543  }
544  tlog(1, "Render string of size %zu\n", src_utf8.length());
546  if (FLAGS_render_ngrams || FLAGS_only_extract_font_properties) {
547  // Try to preserve behavior of old text2image by expanding inter-word
548  // spaces by a factor of 4.
549  const std::string kSeparator = FLAGS_render_ngrams ? " " : " ";
550  // Also restrict the number of characters per line to try and avoid
551  // line-breaking in the middle of words like "-A", "R$" etc. which are
552  // otherwise allowed by the standard unicode line-breaking rules.
553  const unsigned int kCharsPerLine = (FLAGS_ptsize > 20) ? 50 : 100;
554  std::string rand_utf8;
555  UNICHARSET unicharset;
556  if (FLAGS_render_ngrams && !FLAGS_unicharset_file.empty() &&
557  !unicharset.load_from_file(FLAGS_unicharset_file.c_str())) {
558  tprintf("Failed to load unicharset from file %s\n",
559  FLAGS_unicharset_file.c_str());
560  exit(1);
561  }
563  // If we are rendering ngrams that will be OCRed later, shuffle them so that
564  // tesseract does not have difficulties finding correct baseline, word
565  // spaces, etc.
566  const char *str8 = src_utf8.c_str();
567  int len = src_utf8.length();
568  int step;
569  std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > offsets;
570  int offset = SpanUTF8Whitespace(str8);
571  while (offset < len) {
572  step = SpanUTF8NotWhitespace(str8 + offset);
573  offsets.push_back(std::make_pair(offset, step));
574  offset += step;
575  offset += SpanUTF8Whitespace(str8 + offset);
576  }
577  if (FLAGS_render_ngrams) {
578  std::seed_seq seed{kRandomSeed};
579  std::mt19937 random_gen(seed);
580  std::shuffle(offsets.begin(), offsets.end(), random_gen);
581  }
583  for (size_t i = 0, line = 1; i < offsets.size(); ++i) {
584  const char *curr_pos = str8 + offsets[i].first;
585  int ngram_len = offsets[i].second;
586  // Skip words that contain characters not in found in unicharset.
587  std::string cleaned = UNICHARSET::CleanupString(curr_pos, ngram_len);
588  if (!FLAGS_unicharset_file.empty() &&
589  !unicharset.encodable_string(cleaned.c_str(), nullptr)) {
590  continue;
591  }
592  rand_utf8.append(curr_pos, ngram_len);
593  if (rand_utf8.length() > line * kCharsPerLine) {
594  rand_utf8.append(" \n");
595  ++line;
596  if (line & 0x1) rand_utf8.append(kSeparator);
597  } else {
598  rand_utf8.append(kSeparator);
599  }
600  }
601  tlog(1, "Rendered ngram string of size %zu\n", rand_utf8.length());
602  src_utf8.swap(rand_utf8);
603  }
604  if (FLAGS_only_extract_font_properties) {
605  tprintf("Extracting font properties only\n");
606  ExtractFontProperties(src_utf8, &render, FLAGS_outputbase.c_str());
607  tprintf("Done!\n");
608  return 0;
609  }
611  int im = 0;
612  std::vector<float> page_rotation;
613  const char* to_render_utf8 = src_utf8.c_str();
615  tesseract::TRand randomizer;
616  randomizer.set_seed(kRandomSeed);
617  std::vector<std::string> font_names;
618  // We use a two pass mechanism to rotate images in both direction.
619  // The first pass(0) will rotate the images in random directions and
620  // the second pass(1) will mirror those rotations.
621  int num_pass = FLAGS_bidirectional_rotation ? 2 : 1;
622  for (int pass = 0; pass < num_pass; ++pass) {
623  int page_num = 0;
624  std::string font_used;
625  for (size_t offset = 0;
626  offset < strlen(to_render_utf8) &&
627  (FLAGS_max_pages == 0 || page_num < FLAGS_max_pages);
628  ++im, ++page_num) {
629  tlog(1, "Starting page %d\n", im);
630  Pix* pix = nullptr;
631  if (FLAGS_find_fonts) {
632  offset += render.RenderAllFontsToImage(FLAGS_min_coverage,
633  to_render_utf8 + offset,
634  strlen(to_render_utf8 + offset),
635  &font_used, &pix);
636  } else {
637  offset += render.RenderToImage(to_render_utf8 + offset,
638  strlen(to_render_utf8 + offset), &pix);
639  }
640  if (pix != nullptr) {
641  float rotation = 0;
642  if (pass == 1) {
643  // Pass 2, do mirror rotation.
644  rotation = -1 * page_rotation[page_num];
645  }
646  if (FLAGS_degrade_image) {
647  pix = DegradeImage(pix, FLAGS_exposure, &randomizer,
648  FLAGS_rotate_image ? &rotation : nullptr);
649  }
650  if (FLAGS_distort_image) {
651  //TODO: perspective is set to false and box_reduction to 1.
652  pix = PrepareDistortedPix(pix, false, FLAGS_invert,
653  FLAGS_white_noise, FLAGS_smooth_noise, FLAGS_blur,
654  1, &randomizer, nullptr);
655  }
656  render.RotatePageBoxes(rotation);
658  if (pass == 0) {
659  // Pass 1, rotate randomly and store the rotation..
660  page_rotation.push_back(rotation);
661  }
663  Pix* gray_pix = pixConvertTo8(pix, false);
664  pixDestroy(&pix);
665  Pix* binary = pixThresholdToBinary(gray_pix, 128);
666  pixDestroy(&gray_pix);
667  char tiff_name[1024];
668  if (FLAGS_find_fonts) {
669  if (FLAGS_render_per_font) {
670  std::string fontname_for_file = tesseract::StringReplace(
671  font_used, " ", "_");
672  snprintf(tiff_name, 1024, "%s.%s.tif", FLAGS_outputbase.c_str(),
673  fontname_for_file.c_str());
674  pixWriteTiff(tiff_name, binary, IFF_TIFF_G4, "w");
675  tprintf("Rendered page %d to file %s\n", im, tiff_name);
676  } else {
677  font_names.push_back(font_used);
678  }
679  } else {
680  snprintf(tiff_name, 1024, "%s.tif", FLAGS_outputbase.c_str());
681  pixWriteTiff(tiff_name, binary, IFF_TIFF_G4, im == 0 ? "w" : "a");
682  tprintf("Rendered page %d to file %s\n", im, tiff_name);
683  }
684  // Make individual glyphs
685  if (FLAGS_output_individual_glyph_images) {
686  if (!MakeIndividualGlyphs(binary, render.GetBoxes(), im)) {
687  tprintf("ERROR: Individual glyphs not saved\n");
688  }
689  }
690  pixDestroy(&binary);
691  }
692  if (FLAGS_find_fonts && offset != 0) {
693  // We just want a list of names, or some sample images so we don't need
694  // to render more than the first page of the text.
695  break;
696  }
697  }
698  }
699  if (!FLAGS_find_fonts) {
700  std::string box_name = FLAGS_outputbase.c_str();
701  box_name += ".box";
702  render.WriteAllBoxes(box_name);
703  } else if (!FLAGS_render_per_font && !font_names.empty()) {
704  std::string filename = FLAGS_outputbase.c_str();
705  filename += ".fontlist.txt";
706  FILE* fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb");
707  if (fp == nullptr) {
708  tprintf("Failed to create output font list %s\n", filename.c_str());
709  } else {
710  for (size_t i = 0; i < font_names.size(); ++i) {
711  fprintf(fp, "%s\n", font_names[i].c_str());
712  }
713  fclose(fp);
714  }
715  }
717  return 0;
718 }
720 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
721  // Respect environment variable. could be:
722  // fc (fontconfig), win32, and coretext
723  // If not set force fontconfig for Mac OS.
724  // See https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/issues/736
725  char* backend;
726  backend = getenv("PANGOCAIRO_BACKEND");
727  if (backend == nullptr) {
728  static char envstring[] = "PANGOCAIRO_BACKEND=fc";
729  putenv(envstring);
730  } else {
731  printf("Using '%s' as pango cairo backend based on environment "
732  "variable.\n", backend);
733  }
734  tesseract::CheckSharedLibraryVersion();
735  if (argc > 1) {
736  if ((strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) ||
737  (strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0)) {
738  FontUtils::PangoFontTypeInfo();
739  printf("Pango version: %s\n", pango_version_string());
740  }
741  }
742  tesseract::ParseCommandLineFlags(argv[0], &argc, &argv, true);
743  return Main();
744 }
bool load_from_file(const char *const filename, bool skip_fragments)
Definition: unicharset.h:378
std::string string
Definition: equationdetect_test.cc:21
bool GetSpacingProperties(const std::string &utf8_char, int *x_bearing, int *x_advance) const
Definition: pango_font_info.cpp:314
int RenderToImage(const char *text, int text_length, Pix **pix)
Definition: stringrenderer.cpp:750
void ClearBoxes()
Definition: stringrenderer.cpp:354
#define BOOL_PARAM_FLAG(name, val, comment)
Definition: commandlineflags.h:33
#define INT_PARAM_FLAG(name, val, comment)
Definition: commandlineflags.h:25
unsigned int SpanUTF8Whitespace(const char *text)
Definition: normstrngs.cpp:249
const std::string & ch() const
Definition: boxchar.h:42
#define DOUBLE_PARAM_FLAG(name, val, comment)
Definition: commandlineflags.h:29
void set_output_word_boxes(bool val)
Definition: stringrenderer.h:109
#define STRING_PARAM_FLAG(name, val, comment)
Definition: commandlineflags.h:37
bool encodable_string(const char *str, int *first_bad_position) const
Definition: unicharset.cpp:243
const PangoFontInfo & font() const
Definition: stringrenderer.h:130
Definition: text2image.cpp:201
Definition: text2image.cpp:200
void ParseCommandLineFlags(const char *usage, int *argc, char ***argv, const bool remove_flags)
Definition: commandlineflags.cpp:166
#define tlog(level,...)
Definition: tlog.h:32
int RenderAllFontsToImage(double min_coverage, const char *text, int text_length, std::string *font_used, Pix **pix)
Definition: stringrenderer.cpp:851
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: text2image.cpp:719
void set_char_spacing(int char_spacing)
Definition: stringrenderer.h:69
void set_add_ligatures(bool add_ligatures)
Definition: stringrenderer.h:115
#define ASSERT_HOST_MSG(x,...)
Definition: errcode.h:91
int x_gap_before
Definition: text2image.cpp:205
void set_strip_unrenderable_words(bool val)
Definition: stringrenderer.h:106
void set_render_fullwidth_latin(bool render_fullwidth_latin)
Definition: stringrenderer.h:80
void set_underline_continuation_prob(const double frac)
Definition: stringrenderer.cpp:157
Pix * DegradeImage(Pix *input, int exposure, TRand *randomizer, float *rotation)
Definition: degradeimage.cpp:108
static void WriteStringToFileOrDie(const std::string &str, const std::string &filename)
Definition: fileio.cpp:68
Definition: unicharset.h:145
Definition: boxchar.h:35
const Box * box() const
Definition: boxchar.h:43
Pix * PrepareDistortedPix(const Pix *pix, bool perspective, bool invert, bool white_noise, bool smooth_noise, bool blur, int box_reduction, TRand *randomizer, GenericVector< TBOX > *boxes)
Definition: degradeimage.cpp:196
static std::string CleanupString(const char *utf8_str)
Definition: unicharset.h:246
Definition: baseapi.h:65
unsigned int SpanUTF8NotWhitespace(const char *text)
Definition: normstrngs.cpp:259
void set_gravity_hint_strong(bool gravity_hint_strong)
Definition: stringrenderer.h:77
void set_seed(uint64_t seed)
Definition: helpers.h:70
Definition: stringrenderer.h:49
void set_resolution(const int resolution)
Definition: stringrenderer.cpp:148
void RotatePageBoxes(float rotation)
Definition: stringrenderer.cpp:348
SpacingProperties(int b, int a)
Definition: text2image.cpp:202
void set_v_margin(const int v_margin)
Definition: stringrenderer.h:127
Definition: pango_font_info.h:145
std::map< std::string, int > kerned_x_gaps
Definition: text2image.cpp:207
DLLSYM void tprintf(const char *format,...)
Definition: tprintf.cpp:34
void set_leading(int leading)
Definition: stringrenderer.h:70
Definition: fileio.h:55
void WriteAllBoxes(const std::string &filename)
Definition: stringrenderer.cpp:365
const std::vector< BoxChar * > & GetBoxes() const
Definition: stringrenderer.cpp:340
void set_underline_start_prob(const double frac)
Definition: stringrenderer.cpp:153
const int kRandomSeed
Definition: text2image.cpp:56
void set_h_margin(const int h_margin)
Definition: stringrenderer.h:124
Definition: helpers.h:50
void set_vertical_text(bool vertical_text)
Definition: stringrenderer.h:74
void set_box_padding(int val)
Definition: stringrenderer.h:100
int x_gap_after
Definition: text2image.cpp:206