tesseract  5.0.0-alpha-619-ge9db
tesseract::BaselineRow Class Reference

#include <baselinedetect.h>

Public Member Functions

 BaselineRow (double line_size, TO_ROW *to_row)
const TBOXbounding_box () const
void SetupOldLineParameters (TO_ROW *row) const
void Print () const
double BaselineAngle () const
double SpaceBetween (const BaselineRow &other) const
double PerpDisp (const FCOORD &direction) const
double StraightYAtX (double x) const
bool FitBaseline (bool use_box_bottoms)
void AdjustBaselineToParallel (int debug, const FCOORD &direction)
double AdjustBaselineToGrid (int debug, const FCOORD &direction, double line_spacing, double line_offset)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 40 of file baselinedetect.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BaselineRow()

tesseract::BaselineRow::BaselineRow ( double  line_size,
TO_ROW to_row 

Definition at line 64 of file baselinedetect.cpp.

65  : blobs_(to_row->blob_list()),
66  baseline_pt1_(0.0f, 0.0f), baseline_pt2_(0.0f, 0.0f),
67  baseline_error_(0.0), good_baseline_(false) {
68  ComputeBoundingBox();
69  // Compute a scale factor for rounding to ints.
70  disp_quant_factor_ = kOffsetQuantizationFactor * line_spacing;
71  fit_halfrange_ = kFitHalfrangeFactor * line_spacing;
72  max_baseline_error_ = kMaxBaselineError * line_spacing;
73 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ AdjustBaselineToGrid()

double tesseract::BaselineRow::AdjustBaselineToGrid ( int  debug,
const FCOORD direction,
double  line_spacing,
double  line_offset 

Definition at line 228 of file baselinedetect.cpp.

231  {
232  if (blobs_->empty()) {
233  if (debug > 1) {
234  tprintf("Row empty at:");
235  bounding_box_.print();
236  }
237  return line_offset;
238  }
239  // Find the displacement_modes_ entry nearest to the grid.
240  double best_error = 0.0;
241  int best_index = -1;
242  for (int i = 0; i < displacement_modes_.size(); ++i) {
243  double blob_y = displacement_modes_[i];
244  double error = BaselineBlock::SpacingModelError(blob_y, line_spacing,
245  line_offset);
246  if (debug > 1) {
247  tprintf("Mode at %g has error %g from model \n", blob_y, error);
248  }
249  if (best_index < 0 || error < best_error) {
250  best_error = error;
251  best_index = i;
252  }
253  }
254  // We will move the baseline only if the chosen mode is close enough to the
255  // model.
256  double model_margin = max_baseline_error_ - best_error;
257  if (best_index >= 0 && model_margin > 0.0) {
258  // But if the current baseline is already close to the mode there is no
259  // point, and only the potential to damage accuracy by changing its angle.
260  double perp_disp = PerpDisp(direction);
261  double shift = displacement_modes_[best_index] - perp_disp;
262  if (fabs(shift) > max_baseline_error_) {
263  if (debug > 1) {
264  tprintf("Attempting linespacing model fit with mode %g to row at:",
265  displacement_modes_[best_index]);
266  bounding_box_.print();
267  }
268  FitConstrainedIfBetter(debug, direction, model_margin,
269  displacement_modes_[best_index]);
270  } else if (debug > 1) {
271  tprintf("Linespacing model only moves current line by %g for row at:",
272  shift);
273  bounding_box_.print();
274  }
275  } else if (debug > 1) {
276  tprintf("Linespacing model not close enough to any mode for row at:");
277  bounding_box_.print();
278  }
279  return fmod(PerpDisp(direction), line_spacing);
280 }

◆ AdjustBaselineToParallel()

void tesseract::BaselineRow::AdjustBaselineToParallel ( int  debug,
const FCOORD direction 

Definition at line 213 of file baselinedetect.cpp.

214  {
215  SetupBlobDisplacements(direction);
216  if (displacement_modes_.empty())
217  return;
218 #ifdef kDebugYCoord
219  if (bounding_box_.bottom() < kDebugYCoord &&
220  bounding_box_.top() > kDebugYCoord && debug < 3)
221  debug = 3;
222 #endif
223  FitConstrainedIfBetter(debug, direction, 0.0, displacement_modes_[0]);
224 }

◆ BaselineAngle()

double tesseract::BaselineRow::BaselineAngle ( ) const

Definition at line 97 of file baselinedetect.cpp.

97  {
98  FCOORD baseline_dir(baseline_pt2_ - baseline_pt1_);
99  double angle = baseline_dir.angle();
100  // Baseline directions are only unique in a range of pi so constrain to
101  // [-pi/2, pi/2].
102  return fmod(angle + M_PI * 1.5, M_PI) - M_PI * 0.5;
103 }

◆ bounding_box()

const TBOX& tesseract::BaselineRow::bounding_box ( ) const

Definition at line 44 of file baselinedetect.h.

44  {
45  return bounding_box_;
46  }

◆ FitBaseline()

bool tesseract::BaselineRow::FitBaseline ( bool  use_box_bottoms)

Definition at line 141 of file baselinedetect.cpp.

141  {
142  // Deterministic fitting is used wherever possible.
143  fitter_.Clear();
144  // Linear least squares is a backup if the DetLineFit produces a bad line.
145  LLSQ llsq;
146  BLOBNBOX_IT blob_it(blobs_);
148  for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !blob_it.cycled_list(); blob_it.forward()) {
149  BLOBNBOX* blob = blob_it.data();
150  if (!use_box_bottoms) blob->EstimateBaselinePosition();
151  const TBOX& box = blob->bounding_box();
152  int x_middle = (box.left() + box.right()) / 2;
153 #ifdef kDebugYCoord
154  if (box.bottom() < kDebugYCoord && box.top() > kDebugYCoord) {
155  tprintf("Box bottom = %d, baseline pos=%d for box at:",
156  box.bottom(), blob->baseline_position());
157  box.print();
158  }
159 #endif
160  fitter_.Add(ICOORD(x_middle, blob->baseline_position()), box.width() / 2);
161  llsq.add(x_middle, blob->baseline_position());
162  }
163  // Fit the line.
164  ICOORD pt1, pt2;
165  baseline_error_ = fitter_.Fit(&pt1, &pt2);
166  baseline_pt1_ = pt1;
167  baseline_pt2_ = pt2;
168  if (baseline_error_ > max_baseline_error_ &&
170  // The fit was bad but there were plenty of points, so try skipping
171  // the first and last few, and use the new line if it dramatically improves
172  // the error of fit.
173  double error = fitter_.Fit(kNumSkipPoints, kNumSkipPoints, &pt1, &pt2);
174  if (error < baseline_error_ / 2.0) {
175  baseline_error_ = error;
176  baseline_pt1_ = pt1;
177  baseline_pt2_ = pt2;
178  }
179  }
180  int debug = 0;
181 #ifdef kDebugYCoord
182  Print();
183  debug = bounding_box_.bottom() < kDebugYCoord &&
184  bounding_box_.top() > kDebugYCoord
185  ? 3 : 2;
186 #endif
187  // Now we obtained a direction from that fit, see if we can improve the
188  // fit using the same direction and some other start point.
189  FCOORD direction(pt2 - pt1);
190  double target_offset = direction * pt1;
191  good_baseline_ = false;
192  FitConstrainedIfBetter(debug, direction, 0.0, target_offset);
193  // Wild lines can be produced because DetLineFit allows vertical lines, but
194  // vertical text has been rotated so angles over pi/4 should be disallowed.
195  // Near vertical lines can still be produced by vertically aligned components
196  // on very short lines.
197  double angle = BaselineAngle();
198  if (fabs(angle) > M_PI * 0.25) {
199  // Use the llsq fit as a backup.
200  baseline_pt1_ = llsq.mean_point();
201  baseline_pt2_ = baseline_pt1_ + FCOORD(1.0f, llsq.m());
202  // TODO(rays) get rid of this when m and c are no longer used.
203  double m = llsq.m();
204  double c = llsq.c(m);
205  baseline_error_ = llsq.rms(m, c);
206  good_baseline_ = false;
207  }
208  return good_baseline_;
209 }

◆ PerpDisp()

double tesseract::BaselineRow::PerpDisp ( const FCOORD direction) const

Definition at line 120 of file baselinedetect.cpp.

120  {
121  float middle_x = (bounding_box_.left() + bounding_box_.right()) / 2.0f;
122  FCOORD middle_pos(middle_x, StraightYAtX(middle_x));
123  return direction * middle_pos / direction.length();
124 }

◆ Print()

void tesseract::BaselineRow::Print ( ) const

Definition at line 86 of file baselinedetect.cpp.

86  {
87  tprintf("Baseline (%g,%g)->(%g,%g), angle=%g, intercept=%g\n",
88  baseline_pt1_.x(), baseline_pt1_.y(),
89  baseline_pt2_.x(), baseline_pt2_.y(),
90  BaselineAngle(), StraightYAtX(0.0));
91  tprintf("Quant factor=%g, error=%g, good=%d, box:",
92  disp_quant_factor_, baseline_error_, good_baseline_);
93  bounding_box_.print();
94 }

◆ SetupOldLineParameters()

void tesseract::BaselineRow::SetupOldLineParameters ( TO_ROW row) const

Definition at line 76 of file baselinedetect.cpp.

76  {
77  // TODO(rays) get rid of this when m and c are no longer used.
78  double gradient = tan(BaselineAngle());
79  // para_c is the actual intercept of the baseline on the y-axis.
80  float para_c = StraightYAtX(0.0);
81  row->set_line(gradient, para_c, baseline_error_);
82  row->set_parallel_line(gradient, para_c, baseline_error_);
83 }

◆ SpaceBetween()

double tesseract::BaselineRow::SpaceBetween ( const BaselineRow other) const

Definition at line 107 of file baselinedetect.cpp.

107  {
108  // Find the x-centre of overlap of the lines.
109  float x = (std::max(bounding_box_.left(), other.bounding_box_.left()) +
110  std::min(bounding_box_.right(), other.bounding_box_.right())) / 2.0f;
111  // Find the vertical centre between them.
112  float y = (StraightYAtX(x) + other.StraightYAtX(x)) / 2.0f;
113  // Find the perpendicular distance of (x,y) from each line.
114  FCOORD pt(x, y);
115  return PerpDistanceFromBaseline(pt) + other.PerpDistanceFromBaseline(pt);
116 }

◆ StraightYAtX()

double tesseract::BaselineRow::StraightYAtX ( double  x) const

Definition at line 128 of file baselinedetect.cpp.

128  {
129  double denominator = baseline_pt2_.x() - baseline_pt1_.x();
130  if (denominator == 0.0)
131  return (baseline_pt1_.y() + baseline_pt2_.y()) / 2.0;
132  return baseline_pt1_.y() +
133  (x - baseline_pt1_.x()) * (baseline_pt2_.y() - baseline_pt1_.y()) /
134  denominator;
135 }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
const int kNumSkipPoints
Definition: baselinedetect.cpp:44
void add(double x, double y)
Definition: linlsq.cpp:45
Definition: linlsq.h:27
FCOORD mean_point() const
Definition: linlsq.cpp:158
void set_parallel_line(float gradient, float new_c, float new_error)
Definition: blobbox.h:611
float y() const
Definition: points.h:209
double c(double m) const
Definition: linlsq.cpp:110
integer coordinate
Definition: points.h:30
void print() const
Definition: rect.h:277
float x() const
Definition: points.h:206
int16_t top() const
Definition: rect.h:57
double m() const
Definition: linlsq.cpp:95
Definition: points.h:187
Definition: blobbox.h:142
void Clear()
Definition: detlinefit.cpp:45
double rms(double m, double c) const
Definition: linlsq.cpp:123
bool SufficientPointsForIndependentFit() const
Definition: detlinefit.cpp:162
float length() const
find length
Definition: points.h:227
const double kOffsetQuantizationFactor
Definition: baselinedetect.cpp:48
bool empty() const
Definition: genericvector.h:86
int16_t width() const
Definition: rect.h:114
int16_t bottom() const
Definition: rect.h:64
static double SpacingModelError(double perp_disp, double line_spacing, double line_offset)
Definition: baselinedetect.cpp:422
const double kFitHalfrangeFactor
Definition: baselinedetect.cpp:50
const TBOX & bounding_box() const
Definition: blobbox.h:229
double StraightYAtX(double x) const
Definition: baselinedetect.cpp:128
int baseline_position() const
Definition: blobbox.h:388
void Print() const
Definition: baselinedetect.cpp:86
void EstimateBaselinePosition()
Definition: blobbox.cpp:355
int16_t left() const
Definition: rect.h:71
double Fit(ICOORD *pt1, ICOORD *pt2)
Definition: detlinefit.h:75
int16_t right() const
Definition: rect.h:78
void Add(const ICOORD &pt)
Definition: detlinefit.cpp:51
DLLSYM void tprintf(const char *format,...)
Definition: tprintf.cpp:34
void set_line(float new_m, float new_c, float new_error)
Definition: blobbox.h:603
double BaselineAngle() const
Definition: baselinedetect.cpp:97
double PerpDisp(const FCOORD &direction) const
Definition: baselinedetect.cpp:120
const double kMaxBaselineError
Definition: colpartition.cpp:70
int size() const
Definition: genericvector.h:71
BLOBNBOX_LIST * blob_list()
Definition: blobbox.h:599
Definition: rect.h:33